eth-clients / holesky

the holesovice post-merge testnet configuration.

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Faucet holesky

minhthong21081999 opened this issue · comments

Hi @q9f, @pk910 !
I created UniswapV2Factory, my goal is to provide routers as well as tokens under test net so that dapp projects and users can freely test under test net.
Currently, speculators are reserving large amounts of ETH to trade under testnet. This causes disadvantages for users that can negatively affect users' perception of the test network.
I want to eliminate it by providing more active user support under testnet. Can you support me?

  • uniswap-v2: 0x2881F53599e65cc97793881897bFBFD75817fB99
  • shushiswap-v2: 0xebca682b6C15d539284432eDc5b960771F0009e8

I will create a contract to distribute free tokens ERC20 to users, adding liquidity to UniswapV2Factory so users can test the router under testnet.

Can you send me 10K ETH so I can do it?

This is my wallet address: 0xF198A1Af2682538E834bBc5F1af1847Cf50603E1

Thank you very much!