eth-brownie / brownie

A Python-based development and testing framework for smart contracts targeting the Ethereum Virtual Machine.

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Can't load OZ with `project.load`

utgarda opened this issue · comments

Environment information

  • brownie Version: 1.9.3
  • ganache-cli Version: ganache v7.8.0 (@ganache/cli: 0.9.0, @ganache/core: 0.9.0)
  • solc Version: 0.8.20
  • Python Version: 3.10.12
  • OS: osx/linux/win Linux

What was wrong? illustrates the problem

Run proxy deploy script

python --version
Python 3.10.12

brownie --version
Brownie v1.19.3 - Python development framework for Ethereum

brownie run scripts/

... and face the consequences

Brownie v1.19.3 - Python development framework for Ethereum

BrownieLoadOzProject is the active project.

Launching 'ganache-cli --chain.vmErrorsOnRPCResponse true --wallet.totalAccounts 10 --hardfork istanbul --miner.blockGasLimit 12000000 --wallet.mnemonic brownie --server.port 8545'...
Compiling contracts...
  Solc version: 0.8.20
  Optimizer: Enabled  Runs: 200
  EVM Version: Istanbul
Generating build data...
  File "brownie/_cli/", line 51, in main
    return_value, frame = run(
  File "brownie/project/", line 60, in run
    module = _import_from_path(script)
  File "brownie/project/", line 156, in _import_from_path
    _import_cache[import_str] = importlib.import_module(import_str)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/importlib/", line 126, in import_module
    return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
  File "<frozen, line line, in in
  File "<frozen, line line, in in
  File "<frozen, line line, in in
  File "<frozen, line line, in in
  File "<frozen, line line, in in
  File "<frozen, line line, in in
  File "./scripts/", line 5, in <module>
    project.load(Path.home() / ".brownie" / "packages" / config["dependencies"][0])
  File "brownie/project/", line 780, in load
    return Project(name, project_path)
  File "brownie/project/", line 188, in __init__
  File "brownie/project/", line 257, in load
    self._compile(changed, self._compiler_config, False)
  File "brownie/project/", line 100, in _compile
    build_json = compiler.compile_and_format(
  File "brownie/project/compiler/", line 142, in compile_and_format
    build_json.update(generate_build_json(input_json, output_json, compiler_data, silent))
  File "brownie/project/compiler/", line 287, in generate_build_json
    source_nodes, statement_nodes, branch_nodes = solidity._get_nodes(output_json)
  File "brownie/project/compiler/", line 606, in _get_nodes
    source_nodes = solcast.from_standard_output(output_json)
  File "solcast/", line 33, in from_standard_output
    source_nodes = set_dependencies(source_nodes)
  File "solcast/", line 18, in set_dependencies
    contract.libraries = dict(
  File "solcast/", line 19, in <genexpr>
AttributeError: 'UsingForDirective' object has no attribute 'typeName'
Terminating local RPC client...

How can it be fixed?