eteran / c-vector

A dynamic array implementation in C similar to the one found in standard C++

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Oddly named macro

MACAYCZ opened this issue · comments

I think macro named cvector_free_each_and_free defined in cvector_utils.h should be named cvector_for_each_and_free

I agree that it's a bit awkwardly named... but I'm not sure your proposed name is any better. What the macro does is free each element, and then frees the vector. So that's what it's currently called. "for_each_and_free" does not really express what it does very well IMO.

I'm open to a better name though.

Upon re-visiting the code, I think you may be right. It was originally written as a free all macro, but it clearly just calls an arbitrary function on each element before freeing.

Honestly, I think the macro may just be better off being removed since there is very little use in calling a function on each element and then freeing... unless you're freeing each element, which the cvector_free macro already does.

I'll think on it.

I have a look at this, and my expectation would be that this combination of functions would satisfy what this macro does. As seen at the bottom of test.c...

// cvector_free_each_and_free(str_vect, free);
cvector_set_elem_destructor(str_vect, free);

Unfortunately, when we do that, I get...

free(): invalid pointer

I have removed the macro since it was poorly named and superceded by the cvector_set_elem_destructor feature. Tests have been updated accordingly and pass.

Thanks for the patience and thoughtful discussion!