EtaCassiopeia / api-aggregation-service

Scala, ZIO, Http4s, Sttp

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API aggregation service


API Aggregation Service consolidates the interface with external APIs into a single endpoint that can handle multiple logical requests in one network request.

Problem Statement :

  • Each API accepts a query parameter ?q= that can accept multiple queries, split using a comma delimiter.
  • If the same value is present multiple times in the query, the response will only contain it once.
  • All APIs to always return 200 OK responses with well-formed input, or 503 UNAVAILABLE when they are unavailable.
  • These back-end services are delivered with an SLA guaranteeing a response time of at most 5 seconds for at least 99 percent of the requests.
  • To prevent overloading the APIs with query calls we would like to consolidate calls per API endpoint.
  • All incoming requests for each individual API should be kept in a queue and be forwarded to the API as soon as a cap of 5 calls for an individual API is reached.
  • If the queue cap for a specific service is not reached, the service queues should send the request within 5 seconds of the oldest item being inserted into the queue.

Tech Stack Decision :


ZIO is a library for asynchronous and concurrent programming that is based on pure functional programming.

  • Asynchronous: Lots of great data types like Promise and Semaphore are provided by this library which makes it a good fit to make asynchronous calls and combine the results
  • Queue: It has built-in queue types which is being used to implement API queues namely BulkDike
  • Fiber: The whole library is implemented using fibers. To perform an effect without blocking the current process, you can use fibers, which are a lightweight mechanism for concurrency
  • Environment Type: Unlike other effect libraries, most of the ZIO data types support three types parameters to define environment, error and the result type. Using environment type we can define the requirements of an effect and thanks to the Layers we can pass them easily to the effect. This helps us to perform dependency injection without techniques like Cakce pattern or using implicits

sttp client is an open-source library which provides a clean, programmer-friendly API to describe HTTP requests and how to handle responses.

  • Backend implementations: Requests are sent using one of the backends, which wrap other Scala or Java HTTP client implementations. The backends can integrate with a variety of Scala stacks, providing both synchronous and asynchronous, procedural and functional interfaces. Backend implementations include ones based on akka-http, async-http-client, http4s, OkHttp, and HTTP clients which ship with Java.
  • Library integration: Backend implementations integrate with Akka, Monix, fs2, cats-effect, scalaz and ZIO
  • stub backend: sttp supports stub backend to the test the application which allows specifying how the backend should respond to requests matching given predicates.

The HTTP client used to call the external API's are implemented using sttp.

  • composible: http4s takes advantage of cats to achieve path Matcher. This feature makes it easier to not only compose routes but also it helps to add more directives like authorization and authentication to the routes
  • extensible: Since route matcher is simply just Kleisli, extending http4s to support types other than F[Response[F]] will be much simpler. For example in this application it's extended to use AppTask[A] which is a type alias for RIO[AppEnvironment, A]

Solution :

FedEx Client:

FedEx Client (FedexClient) is a simple HTTP client implemented using sttp and ZIO. Internally it depends on HttpClient which helps to make HTTP calls. Most of the error handling logic and request timeout configuration are implemented in HttpClient class

Aggregation Service API

Implementation of the Aggregation Service API can be found in ApiAggregator object which is the entry point of the application. It's a simple HTTP server which aggregates and redirects requests to the external APIs


BulkDike is the heart of the system. All incoming requests for each individual API are sent to an instance of BulkDike. Internally it has a queue to store the query parameters as well as an instance of a Promise to return the response to the caller API in an asynchronous way. Let's look at the signature of the make method which we can use to create an instance of BulkDike:

  def make[R, E, I: Semigroup, A](
    effect: I => ZIO[R, E, A],
    extractResult: (I, A) => A

One of the arguments of the method is called effect. It's a function from I (Usually it is the query parameter(s)) to ZIO[R, E, A] which is the final effect type we intend to run. RouteHelper object contains some variants of this function is used to make HTTP calls via FedexClient. Another important argument of this method is extractResult. BulkDike uses this function to extract some part of the aggregated result associated with the input query parameter.

After creating an instance of BulkDike we can use the apply method to queue a new call request. Instead of adding the logic to make the call we only store the query parameters in the queue along with an instance of Promise (Promise.make[E, A])

An internal stream that is connected to the queue consumes the elements in chunks (5 elements each time or any number of elements received within 5 seconds). Using effect, it makes the final API call to get the aggregated result. The last step is to complete the in-flight promises with the extracted results.

To prevent the queue from being overwhelmed, BulkDike constantly monitors the number of the queued elements as well as the number of in-flight calls. If the amount of workload exceeds the capacity of the server it starts to reject the requests.

How to run


The Project uses below tool versions :

API name Version
JDK 1.8+
Scala 2.13
Sbt 1.0+
Docker Compose 3.0+

Create Docker image

Run the following command to create a Docker image out of the project artifacts:

sbt docker:publishLocal

Run Aggregation Service API

Using docker-compose we can run the Docker images:

docker-compose up -d

note: this command needs to be run from the root directory of the project in which the docker-compose.yml file exists. As another option the file can be passed to the command via -f:

docker-compose -f <path-to-docker-compose.yml> up

Make HTTP call

curl 'http://localhost:8080/aggregation?pricing=CN&track=109347263&shipments=109347263'

Stop container

Use the following command to stop the running container:

docker-compose down -v

Run tests

sbt test

Run load test

Project contains a load-test script to perform load and stress tests against the application. To run the test you need to install k6 on your system. Please follow the instructions to install k6 then use the following command to run the load test:

k6 run load-test.js.load --log-output none

Here is the example of running test for 35 minutes with medium (100 user) and high load (1000 user):



Scala, ZIO, Http4s, Sttp


Language:Scala 100.0%