etabard / Cordova-OverAppBrowser

[No longer maintained] Cordova plugin to display a non opaque Web View over your app (choose your x, y, width, height)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Support for cordova ios@4.x

3Darklight opened this issue · comments

Great plugin, exactly what I needed for a project!

There's no way to compile it with with ios engine 4 or higher, the following error always occurs:
/com.lesfrancschatons.cordova.plugins.overappbrowser/OverAppBrowser.m:10:9: fatal error: 'Cordova/CDVJSON.h' file not found

Any way to fix this or is there an update planned for support of newer cordova ios versions?
I'm using Phonegap Build, Cordova ios@3.9.2 works...

I'm also getting the same error.
According to release notes for 4.0 CDVJSON.h is removed. See:

Did you manage in the end to compile it for IOS? Or do you have a different solution?

nope. I removed this plugin from my app.

Did you find a plugin that could do a inAppBoreser with a custom height?