eszdman / PhotonCamera

Android Camera that uses Enhanced image processing

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Device Request: Moto G7 Supra/Power

OkyDooky opened this issue · comments

They are essentially the same phone with different branding. The codename is Ocean.
(Please let me know any additional information you would like me to provide)
One odd thing is my phone, due to fiddling around in the system apps, is stuck on Android 9, while my parents' devices are on Android 10, with mine performing way better with this app than theirs.

I haven't had it crash on mine and it does its work at a reasonable speed, producing good results (some little colored "fairy lights," pixels of LED colors in random places, are the only negatives). But, when I installed it on my mom's device, it seemed to use so much memory and computing power that the system killed Twilight (the blue light filtering app) and crashed the app after taking the first photo.

The next attempts were more stable, but both the capture time and processing time were at least twice as long (processing time: ~4-6 sec. for mine vs. ~11-14 sec. for hers). The interface and sounds were also different, which surprised me that it would change between Android versions.

Functionality-wise, almost everything works. Night mode basically does the same as Photo, but cleans up the noise maybe a little more. And Video just...takes a photo like normal. Also, I'm sure it's normal for it to take longer to capture all frames fro processing a photo in low-light conditions, but the difference between good light and low light capture times was more than double on my mom's device; way more.