eszdman / PhotonCamera

Android Camera that uses Enhanced image processing

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Camera display freezes during autoexposure (in high brightness areas?)

jonathonf opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
When moving the camera to look at a high-brightness area (e.g. out of a window into bright sunlight) the camera view will freeze. The rest of the UI will still accept input but taking a photo is impossible.

This happens with both 0.814841 and 0.814520.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

  1. Start PCam
  2. Move camera via from area with low brightness to area with high brightness.

Expected behavior
UI should not freeze



03-22 13:11:07.437  1038  1782 I CHIUSECASE: DumpQueueState: ===== Dumping PendingResultDispatcher State Begin =====
03-22 13:11:07.437  1038  1782 I CHIUSECASE: DumpQueueState: shutter frameNum queue len = 4 | result queue len = 4.
03-22 13:11:07.437  1038  1782 I CHIUSECASE: DumpQueueState: metadata frameNum queue len = 5 | result queue len = 5.
03-22 13:11:07.437  1038  1782 I CHIUSECASE: DumpQueueState: outputStream frameNum queue len = 0 | result queue len = 0.
03-22 13:11:07.437  1038  1782 I CHIUSECASE: DumpQueueState: outputStream frameNum queue len = 5 | result queue len = 5.
03-22 13:11:07.437  1038  1782 I CHIUSECASE: DumpQueueState: inputstream frameNum queue len = 0 | result queue len = 0.
03-22 13:11:07.437  1038  1782 I CHIUSECASE: DumpQueueState: ===== Dumping PendingResultDispatcher State End =====
03-22 13:11:07.437  1038  1782 I CHIUSECASE: LogClassifiedStream: Camera 0 preview stream type = 0 format = 34 width = 1600 height = 1200
03-22 13:11:07.437  1038  1782 I CHIUSECASE: LogClassifiedStream: Camera 0 yuv stream type = 0 format = 35 width = 4032 height = 3024
03-22 13:11:07.437  1038  1782 I CHIUSECASE: Use preview aspect ratio as dummy stream
03-22 13:11:07.437  1038  1782 D CHIUSECASE: IsStreamConfigHdrplusCompatible: the fps is over hdr plus support.
03-22 13:11:07.437  1038  1782 I CHIUSECASE: CreatePipelines: Creating pipelines for CHI usecase: UsecaseGooglePhoto1
03-22 13:11:07.437  1038  1782 D CHIUSECASE: [Realtime] CreateChiPipeline: Creating the CHI pipeline.
03-22 13:11:07.446  1038  1782 I GoogleFDNode: Initialize: GoogleFDNode created ensemble detector successfully.
03-22 13:11:07.446  1038  1782 I GoogleFDNode: Initialize: GoogleFDNode uses dedicated thread for Ensemble.
03-22 13:11:07.457  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][PPROC  ] camxipenode.cpp:3598 GetEISMargin() No margin for stabilization type 0
03-22 13:11:07.457  1038  1782 D CamX    : [DEBUG][PPROC  ] camxipenode.cpp:2378 ProcessingNodeFinalizeInputRequirement() IPE video dimension: 0 x 0
03-22 13:11:07.457  1038  1782 I GoogleFDNode: QueryBufferInfo: [FD] Google FD Node publishing | faceSkipFrame to 8055000e
03-22 13:11:07.457  1038  1782 I GoogleFDNode: QueryBufferInfo: [FD] Google FD Node publishing | faceLandmark.count to 8055000f
03-22 13:11:07.457  1038  1782 I GoogleFDNode: QueryBufferInfo: [FD] Google FD Node publishing | faceLandmark.ids to 80550010
03-22 13:11:07.457  1038  1782 I GoogleFDNode: QueryBufferInfo: [FD] Google FD Node publishing | faceLandmark.xy to 80550011
03-22 13:11:07.457  1038  1782 I GoogleFDNode: QueryBufferInfo: [FD] Google FD Node publishing | faceLandmark.depth to 80550012
03-22 13:11:07.457  1038  1782 I GoogleFDNode: QueryBufferInfo: [FD] Google FD Node publishing | faceOrientation to 80550014
03-22 13:11:07.457  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][PPROC  ] camxipenode.cpp:3598 GetEISMargin() No margin for stabilization type 0
03-22 13:11:07.457  1038  1782 D CamX    : [DEBUG][PPROC  ] camxipenode.cpp:2378 ProcessingNodeFinalizeInputRequirement() IPE video dimension: 0 x 0
03-22 13:11:07.457  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][PPROC  ] camxipenode.cpp:3598 GetEISMargin() No margin for stabilization type 0
03-22 13:11:07.457  1038  1782 D CamX    : [DEBUG][PPROC  ] camxipenode.cpp:2378 ProcessingNodeFinalizeInputRequirement() IPE video dimension: 0 x 0
03-22 13:11:07.457  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][PPROC  ] camxipenode.cpp:3598 GetEISMargin() No margin for stabilization type 0
03-22 13:11:07.457  1038  1782 D CamX    : [DEBUG][PPROC  ] camxipenode.cpp:2378 ProcessingNodeFinalizeInputRequirement() IPE video dimension: 0 x 0
03-22 13:11:07.457  1038  1782 I CHIUSECASE: CameraID: 0, SelectedMode W=4032, H=3024, FPS:30, NumBatchedFrames:1, modeIndex:0
03-22 13:11:07.457  1038  1782 I CHIUSECASE: Initialize: Warping node detected when creating GoogleUsecaseRealtimePipeline.
03-22 13:11:07.457  1038  1782 I CHIUSECASE: Create: Created a GoogleUsecaseRealtimePipeline for camera 0
03-22 13:11:07.458  1038  1782 I CHIUSECASE: Build: building a session with pipeline for camera id 0
03-22 13:11:07.478  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][HAL    ] camxmetadatapool.cpp:1556 SetMetadataByTag() Invalid slot; cannot set metadata tag 80090003
03-22 13:11:07.479  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][HAL    ] camxmetadatapool.cpp:1720 PublishMetadataList() Invalid slot, cannot publish metadata list
03-22 13:11:07.479  1038  1782 I [GOOG_STATS] PDLibData already assigned
03-22 13:11:07.479  1038  1782 I [GOOG_STATS] Calling CreatePDLib in QC library
03-22 13:11:07.479  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][SENSOR ] camxsensornode.cpp:2174 LoadPDlibrary() PD library CreateLib failure result=0, m_pPDLib=0x7317ca9950
03-22 13:11:07.482  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.482  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.482  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.482  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.522  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.525  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.525  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.526  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.530  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.531  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.531  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.532  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.532  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.533  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.542  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.543  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.543  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.543  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.543  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.543  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.543  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.543  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.543  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.543  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.544  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.544  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:4705 CreateBufferManagers() invalid type streamConfig 
03-22 13:11:07.545  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][STATS_AF] camxcaecstatsprocessor.cpp:3392 ReadTuningModeParameter() PropertyIDUsecaseChiTuningModeParameter is not published!
03-22 13:11:07.545  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][STATS  ] gcamfastaeutil.cpp:1154 SetTuningData() [FastAE] ERROR! Failed to get the tuning data
03-22 13:11:07.545  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][HAL    ] camxmetadatapool.cpp:1397 GetMetadataByTag() Invalid Slot to get a metadata from
03-22 13:11:07.545  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][HAL    ] camxmetadatapool.cpp:1397 GetMetadataByTag() Invalid Slot to get a metadata from
03-22 13:11:07.545  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][STATS_AEC] aec_led_calibration.cpp:560: aec_led_cal_apply_calibration Invalid pointer 0x7248efde20 0x0
03-22 13:11:07.545  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][HAL    ] camxmetadatapool.cpp:1397 GetMetadataByTag() Invalid Slot to get a metadata from
03-22 13:11:07.546  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][HAL    ] camxmetadatapool.cpp:1397 GetMetadataByTag() Invalid Slot to get a metadata from
03-22 13:11:07.546  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][HAL    ] camxmetadatapool.cpp:1397 GetMetadataByTag() Invalid Slot to get a metadata from
03-22 13:11:07.546  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][HAL    ] camxmetadatapool.cpp:1397 GetMetadataByTag() Invalid Slot to get a metadata from
03-22 13:11:07.546  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][HAL    ] camxmetadatapool.cpp:1397 GetMetadataByTag() Invalid Slot to get a metadata from
03-22 13:11:07.546  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][HAL    ] camxmetadatapool.cpp:1397 GetMetadataByTag() Invalid Slot to get a metadata from
03-22 13:11:07.546  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][HAL    ] camxmetadatapool.cpp:1397 GetMetadataByTag() Invalid Slot to get a metadata from
03-22 13:11:07.546  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][HAL    ] camxmetadatapool.cpp:1397 GetMetadataByTag() Invalid Slot to get a metadata from
03-22 13:11:07.546  1038  1782 E GoogTuning: Error! Unsupported tuning mode (usecase: 65535, sensorMode: 65535) - using the default tuning header instead
03-22 13:11:07.546  1038  1782 D CamX    : [DEBUG][STATS_AWB] camxcawbstatsprocessor.cpp:787 SetOperationModetoAlgo() Mode set to Algo: 1
03-22 13:11:07.546  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][HAL    ] camxmetadatapool.cpp:1397 GetMetadataByTag() Invalid Slot to get a metadata from
03-22 13:11:07.551  1038  1777 I [GOOG_STATS] PDAF wrapper is successfully initialized
03-22 13:11:07.551  1038  1777 I [GOOG_STATS] PDAF infinity DAC = -185, macro DAC = 543, image bits = 8
03-22 13:11:07.551  1038  1777 I [GOOG_STATS] doDefaultPDProcess = 0
03-22 13:11:07.551  1038  1777 I [GOOG_STATS] Calling QC PDLibInitialize: run on sparse PD = 0
03-22 13:11:07.551  1038  1777 E CamX    : [ERROR][STATS_AF] pdlib_lcr_utils.cpp:136 pdaf_lcr_get_vertical_blocks() Cound not find a good partition, set mega_block_y = 1
03-22 13:11:07.553  1056  1056 I sensors-hal: flush_physical_sensor:328, android.sensor.gyroscope/41
03-22 13:11:07.553  1056  1056 I sensors-hal: flush_physical_sensor:336, android.sensor.gyroscope/41 completed
03-22 13:11:07.559  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][HAL    ] camxsession.cpp:3537 GetIntraRealtimePipelineId() Less than two realtime pipelines, no intra result
03-22 13:11:07.559  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][STATS_AF] camxcafioutil.cpp:378 ReadTuningModeParameter() PropertyIDUsecaseChiTuningModeParameter is not published!
03-22 13:11:07.559  1038  1782 E GoogTuning: Error! Unsupported tuning mode (usecase: 65535, sensorMode: 65535) - using the default tuning header instead
03-22 13:11:07.559  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][HAL    ] camxmetadatapool.cpp:1397 GetMetadataByTag() Invalid Slot to get a metadata from
03-22 13:11:07.602  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][HAL    ] camxmetadatapool.cpp:1397 GetMetadataByTag() Invalid Slot to get a metadata from
03-22 13:11:07.602  1038  1782 E CamX    : [ERROR][HAL    ] camxmetadatapool.cpp:1397 GetMetadataByTag() Invalid Slot to get a metadata from
03-22 13:11:07.603  1038  1782 I GoogSensorSync: GoogSensorSync 67 Sensor sync camera ID: 0
03-22 13:11:07.605  1038  1782 I GoogSensorSync: GetSensorHandle 109 handle for 0 is found.
03-22 13:11:07.608  1056  1056 I sensors-hal: batch_physical_sensor:285,, period=5000000, max_latency=0
03-22 13:11:07.608  1056  1056 I sensors-hal: batch_physical_sensor:296,, period=5000000, max_latency=0 request completed
03-22 13:11:07.608  1056  1056 I sensors-hal: activate_physical_sensor:220, en=1
03-22 13:11:07.608  1056  1056 I sensors-hal: get_qmi_debug_flag:245, support_qmi_debug : false
03-22 13:11:07.609  1056  1056 I sensors-hal: activate_physical_sensor:233, en=1 completed
03-22 13:11:07.610  1038  1782 D CHIUSECASE: Create: Initialized Google use case successfully.
03-22 13:11:07.611  1038 13641 I CHIUSECASE: SubmitRequest: ActivatePipeline camera id 0
03-22 13:11:07.627  1038  1775 E CamX    : [ERROR][STATS_AF] camxcafioutil.cpp:988 ReadAECInput() PropertyIDAECInternal null data
03-22 13:11:07.627  1038  1775 E CamX    : [ERROR][STATS_AF] camxcafioutil.cpp:1015 ReadAECInput() PropertyIDAECFrameInfo null data
03-22 13:11:07.627  1038  1776 E CamX    : [ERROR][STATS  ] camxcaecstatsprocessor.cpp:3347 ProcessRequestFastAE() [FastAE] Failed to apply gain to the stats!
03-22 13:11:07.627  1038  1776 E CamX    : [ERROR][STATS_AEC] aec_process.cpp:1229: aec_process_stats_parsing aec is null or invalid
03-22 13:11:07.627  1038  1776 E CamX    : [ERROR][STATS_AEC] aec_process.cpp:8002: aec_process_preview_and_video Error: invalid stats
03-22 13:11:07.628  1056 18420 I sensors-hal: handle_indication_realtime:456,  SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
03-22 13:11:07.628  1038  1776 D CamX    : [DEBUG][STATS  ] camxcawbstatsprocessor.cpp:622 IsValidAlgoOutput() gains from algo for ReqId :1 Red  = 2.105061, green  = 1.000000, blue  = 1.603830
03-22 13:11:07.630  1038  1776 E CamX    : [ERROR][STATS  ] camxcaecstatsprocessor.cpp:3347 ProcessRequestFastAE() [FastAE] Failed to apply gain to the stats!
03-22 13:11:07.630  1038  1776 E CamX    : [ERROR][STATS_AEC] aec_process.cpp:1229: aec_process_stats_parsing aec is null or invalid
03-22 13:11:07.630  1038  1776 E CamX    : [ERROR][STATS_AEC] aec_process.cpp:8002: aec_process_preview_and_video Error: invalid stats
03-22 13:11:07.631  1038  1776 D CamX    : [DEBUG][STATS  ] camxcawbstatsprocessor.cpp:622 IsValidAlgoOutput() gains from algo for ReqId :2 Red  = 2.105061, green  = 1.000000, blue  = 1.603830
03-22 13:11:07.634  1038  1775 E CamX    : [ERROR][STATS  ] camxcaecstatsprocessor.cpp:3347 ProcessRequestFastAE() [FastAE] Failed to apply gain to the stats!
03-22 13:11:07.634  1038  1775 E CamX    : [ERROR][STATS_AEC] aec_process.cpp:1229: aec_process_stats_parsing aec is null or invalid
03-22 13:11:07.634  1038  1775 E CamX    : [ERROR][STATS_AEC] aec_process.cpp:8002: aec_process_preview_and_video Error: invalid stats
03-22 13:11:07.635  1038  1775 D CamX    : [DEBUG][STATS  ] camxcawbstatsprocessor.cpp:622 IsValidAlgoOutput() gains from algo for ReqId :3 Red  = 2.105061, green  = 1.000000, blue  = 1.603830
03-22 13:11:07.637  1038  1774 E CamX    : [ERROR][STATS_AEC] camxcaecstatsprocessor.cpp:1745 SetAlgoBayerHistValue() Unsupported bayer hist channel!
03-22 13:11:07.637  1038  1774 E CamX    : [ERROR][STATS  ] camxcaecstatsprocessor.cpp:3347 ProcessRequestFastAE() [FastAE] Failed to apply gain to the stats!
03-22 13:11:07.638  1038  1774 E CamX    : [ERROR][STATS_AEC] aec_process.cpp:1229: aec_process_stats_parsing aec is null or invalid
03-22 13:11:07.638  1038  1774 E CamX    : [ERROR][STATS_AEC] aec_process.cpp:8002: aec_process_preview_and_video Error: invalid stats
03-22 13:11:07.638  1038  1774 D CamX    : [DEBUG][STATS  ] camxcawbstatsprocessor.cpp:622 IsValidAlgoOutput() gains from algo for ReqId :4 Red  = 2.105061, green  = 1.000000, blue  = 1.603830
03-22 13:11:07.662  1038  1168 E CamX    : [ERROR][HAL    ] camxmetadatapool.cpp:1556 SetMetadataByTag() Invalid slot; cannot set metadata tag 80210000
03-22 13:11:07.662  1038  1168 E CamX    : [ERROR][HAL    ] camxmetadatapool.cpp:1720 PublishMetadataList() Invalid slot, cannot publish metadata list
03-22 13:11:07.695  1048  1048 I capacity: 2774380
03-22 13:11:07.695  1038  1168 E CamX    : [ERROR][HAL    ] camxmetadatapool.cpp:1556 SetMetadataByTag() Invalid slot; cannot set metadata tag 80210000
03-22 13:11:07.695  1038  1168 E CamX    : [ERROR][HAL    ] camxmetadatapool.cpp:1720 PublishMetadataList() Invalid slot, cannot publish metadata list
03-22 13:11:08.449  1065 23908 I WifiHAL : event received NL80211_CMD_VENDOR, vendor_id = 0x1374, subcmd = 0xd
03-22 13:11:09.037  1038 13214 E CamX    : [ERROR][HAL    ] camxchicontext.cpp:4106 SubmitRequest() Request 5 failed when submitting requests.
03-22 13:11:09.037  1038 13214 E CamX    : [ERROR][HAL    ] camxchi.cpp:608 ChiSubmitPipelineRequest() Submit request failed with error 9.
03-22 13:11:09.037  1038 13214 E CHIUSECASE: chxextensionmodule.cpp:2748 SubmitRequest() Offline session is in bad state.
03-22 13:11:09.037  1038 13214 E CHIUSECASE: SubmitRequest: Submitting a request failed: Unknown error -9 (9).
03-22 13:11:09.037  1038 13214 E CHIUSECASE: ExecuteCaptureRequest: Submitting a request to realtime session failed: Unknown error -9 (9).
03-22 13:11:09.037  1038 13214 E CHIUSECASE: chxutils.cpp:836 StatusToCDKResult() Unable to match status (9). 
03-22 13:11:09.037  1038 13214 D CamX    : [DEBUG][CORE   ] camxsession.cpp:281 Destroy() Destroying session 0x7263a2d8a0
03-22 13:11:09.037  1038 13214 D CamX    : [DEBUG][CORE   ] camxsession.cpp:286 Destroy() Destroying Forced
03-22 13:11:09.038  1038  1252 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:3269 CSLFenceCallback() Node:65536 [IFE] InstanceID:10 Fence 17 signaled with failure 1 in node fence handler FOR 2
03-22 13:11:09.038  1038  1252 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:3269 CSLFenceCallback() Node:65536 [IFE] InstanceID:10 Fence 18 signaled with failure 1 in node fence handler FOR 2
03-22 13:11:09.038  1038  1252 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:3269 CSLFenceCallback() Node:65536 [IFE] InstanceID:10 Fence 19 signaled with failure 1 in node fence handler FOR 2
03-22 13:11:09.038  1038  1774 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:3451 ProcessFenceCallback() Fence error detected for Node: IFE  requestId: 2
03-22 13:11:09.039  1038  1774 E CamX    : [ERROR][DRQ    ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:938 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: ffffffff , fence: 27cd6340(00000011), request: 2...result willbe an error
03-22 13:11:09.039  1038  1252 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:3269 CSLFenceCallback() Node:65536 [IFE] InstanceID:10 Fence 20 signaled with failure 1 in node fence handler FOR 2
03-22 13:11:09.039  1038  1774 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:3451 ProcessFenceCallback() Fence error detected for Node: IFE  requestId: 2
03-22 13:11:09.039  1038  1774 E CamX    : [ERROR][DRQ    ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:938 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: ffffffff , fence: 27cfc4a0(00000012), request: 2...result willbe an error
03-22 13:11:09.039  1038  1252 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:3269 CSLFenceCallback() Node:65536 [IFE] InstanceID:10 Fence 21 signaled with failure 1 in node fence handler FOR 2
03-22 13:11:09.039  1038  1774 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:3451 ProcessFenceCallback() Fence error detected for Node: IFE  requestId: 2
03-22 13:11:09.039  1038  1774 E CamX    : [ERROR][DRQ    ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:938 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: ffffffff , fence: 37d3edf0(00000013), request: 2...result willbe an error
03-22 13:11:09.039  1038  1774 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:3451 ProcessFenceCallback() Fence error detected for Node: IFE  requestId: 2
03-22 13:11:09.039  1038  1774 E CamX    : [ERROR][DRQ    ] camxdeferredrequestqueue.cpp:938 UpdateDependency() Failure to update: property: ffffffff , fence: 37d4dee0(00000014), request: 2...result willbe an error
03-22 13:11:09.039  1038  1252 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:3269 CSLFenceCallback() Node:65536 [IFE] InstanceID:10 Fence 22 signaled with failure 1 in node fence handler FOR 2
03-22 13:11:09.039  1038  1774 E CamX    : [ERROR][CORE   ] camxnode.cpp:3451 ProcessFenceCallback() Fence error detected for Node: IFE  requestId: 2

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Pixel 3a
  • OS: CalyxOS 3.3.0 (12L)