estruyf / vscode-front-matter

Front Matter is a CMS running straight in Visual Studio Code. Can be used with static site generators like Hugo, Jekyll, Hexo, NextJs, Gatsby, and many more...

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Enhancement: Website settings

davidsneighbour opened this issue · comments

I know this is far out because every SSG has a different system of adding settings, but in the end, those settings are in TOML, YAML, JSON, or INI-kind files. It would be nice to have some form of configurable option to load and edit items in the aforementioned formats and save them back.

This is a very un-thought-out idea and probably not easy to implement. But let's look for instance (selfishly) at GoHugo: We have a config directory with a _default subdirectory (or other "environment" subdirectories that are merged on top of _default when GoHugo runs). Then we have files like hugo.toml and module.toml in that _default directory. Those values are either key-value pairs or arrays and tables.

This principle could (in GoHugo) then later on even be adapted for the i18n folder that translates themes and modules.

I know this is a huge feature, so delete if it's a general "no thanks", or think about it :)

PS: there might be a general usefulness to have a TOML/YAML/JSON-to-form mechanism. Abstract without having to work on settings or translations.

PPS: Configuration option definitions could work based on a schemata file like the frontmatter schematas.

@davidsneighbour thanks for this suggestion 🙏