esprfid / esp-rfid

ESP8266 RFID (RC522, PN532, Wiegand, RDM6300) Access Control system featuring WebSocket, JSON, NTP Client, Javascript, SPIFFS

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WLAN AP is not working

Bertram-561 opened this issue · comments

I bought the esp-rfid Blue Board and powered it on and no Access Point to connect showed up. I flashed the firmware once again , still no AP. Is the board broken or am I missing something ?

hey @Bertram-561 have you tried flashing a dev version? You can try the last one from here:

@nardev do you confirm that the latest dev build works on your blue board?

I can confirm the issue. Used every bin available also the dev snapshot from the pipeline. Flashed with: --port /dev/ttyUSB0 write_flash 0x1000 generic.bin
No hotspot is opening, also tried the debug build, I can't see any serial output on screen /dev/ttyUSB0 9600.

The builds are same as a year ago. I usually don't flash latest FW, just slightly customized.

@Bertram-561 you can always contact me via email. Also, please confirm, was the blue led on the board on after the first powering it up?

Could be some contacts on the eps-rfid blue were not soldered well. We had one bad batch in September.

@majuss if you don't see anything on the serial with the debug build, seems to me like a hardware problem :(

Well, as i said, it could be that the EPS doesn't boot at all.. But than the programming would also be a problematic...

Yes it's not booting. It's also my guess. I'am using a generic WEMOS type board.

Any other arduino sketch works fine?

Yes ESPHome for example works. Blue LED is lit up constanly.

Do I need connected hardware (in my case wiegand) while booting?

Now I'am getting an endless loop of gibberish in the monitor. Its always the sam output.

Update on my side. I flashed with address 0x00000 like in the flash.bat and now it worked fine! Maybe include a flashing example in the README.

Is there a way to grab other wiegand events like doorbell, or pincode entries on a keypad? I have this keypad:

Hey @majuss thank you for the feedback!

I'm just using Platformio so I never flashed like you did. Would be nice to have a script like the flash.bat for Linux/Mac, if you want to give it a go I'm surely going to review it, thank you!