esprfid / esp-rfid

ESP8266 RFID (RC522, PN532, Wiegand, RDM6300) Access Control system featuring WebSocket, JSON, NTP Client, Javascript, SPIFFS

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MFRC522 doesn't recognize any RFID Tags.

zLeqitEclipse opened this issue · comments

Hi, i have a Problem which i cant solve by myself.
I already tried anything, from chaning the antenna gain to using other RFID Chips that are confirmed to be working, but nothing helps.
No matter what i do, it just dosn't recoginze any type of RFID Chip.
I plugged every pin in like in the
Unfortunately, the log doesn't show any Communication Error or similar.

Hardware Info:

  • Wemos D1 Mini (ESP8266)
  • RFID MFRC-522


Any help would be appreciated.

hey @zLeqitEclipse not sure if you still need help, but have you tried using the dev branch of this project and compiling with the debug mode? You get a lot more info on the serial port and I can try helping you troubleshoot.

hey @zLeqitEclipse not sure if you still need help, but have you tried using the dev branch of this project and compiling with the debug mode? You get a lot more info on the serial port and I can try helping you troubleshoot.

Well no not rellay as is already have returned them long ago. But I still appreciate the help!