espressif / esp-idf-monitor

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ansi_color_converter no longer necessary on windows10 (IDFGH-10726)

phed opened this issue · comments


Both miniterm and idf_monitor tries to convert terminal escape codes into windows terminal calls. This is no longer necessary as the default installed windows terminal now supports VT100.

This means one can have much more complex terminal interactions. miniterm already makes the necessary calls to enable it.

I haven't found a simple way to disable it, so I've just modified it to pass through the serial output. I am not familiar enough with the code to make a patch.

More about the windows terminal VT100 support here:

Thanks @phed for raising this suggestion. One should be always cautious with dropping support for older technologies. We will give this a careful consideration....


Happy to hear. One can detect if the full VT100 support exists through the mechanism suggested under "Example of Enabling Virtual Terminal Processing". Of course one has to check if any possible initialization done by miniterm does not conflict with such a detection.

Hello, IIUC the console can be still put into legacy mode. I don't know about a use case for this, but I'm not a windows user neither. That being said, if someone needs to use, for whatever reason, legacy console, he may run into problems with idf monitor. Just my $0.02.