espertechinc / esper

Esper Complex Event Processing, Streaming SQL and Event Series Analysis

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Esper 8.8.0 statement conversion to statement model and back to statement bug

DevDrake opened this issue · comments


There is a bug in conversion of String statement to EPStatementObjectModel and then getting toEPL().

here is an test that shows the problem, note TestFill can be anything:

    public final void Bug() throws EPCompileException {
        final String query = "@Name('test') select 7.29d/3/100, (7.29d/(3*100)), (7.29d/3/100) from TestFill";

        final Configuration config = getConfiguration();

        EPStatementObjectModel model = EPCompilerProvider.getCompiler().eplToModel(query, config);

        Assert.assertEquals(query, model.toEPL());

the results are:

Expected :@Name('test') select 7.29d/3/100, (7.29d/(3*100)), (7.29d/3/100) from TestFill
Actual   :@Name('test') select 7.29d/3/100, 7.29d/3*100, 7.29d/3/100 from TestFill

this is serious as 7.29d/(3 * 100) != 7.29d/3 * 100