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Cross-platform Text Expander written in Rust

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Strange Behavior on Wayland + gnome

haydonryan opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Espanso causes keyboard to miss keystrokes and the active window to flash intermittently in wayland

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install Manually following instructions for Manjaro / Arch on Arch with espanso.
  2. Start typing in any program

Expected behavior
I shouldn't get missing keystrokes and the focus leaving the current window.

If applicable, add screenshots or screen recordings to help explain your problem.

If possible, run espanso log in a terminal after the bug has occurred, then post the output here so that we can better diagnose the problem

Setup information

  • OS: 6.7.8-arch1-1 with gnome 45.4.
  • Version: 2.2.1

The flashing/extraneous window in Wayland is a well documented bug.

Have you tried the force_mode: options on your expansions?

No I haven't - will try that and do more testing. Thanks for the heads up on the other bug. I'll test more, and wat for the PR to get merged into a release.