eslint / typescript-eslint-parser

An ESLint custom parser which leverages TypeScript ESTree to allow for ESLint to lint TypeScript source code.

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Not suppressed eslint/indent errors at `.superTypeParameters TSTypeReference`

Gvozd opened this issue · comments


What version of TypeScript are you using?

What version of typescript-eslint-parser are you using?

What code were you trying to parse?

export default class MyComponent extends PureComponent<{
    model: MyModel
}> {//  Expected indentation of 4 spaces but found 0    indent

What did you expect to happen?
I want suppress error in this case (for TSTypeReference)

What happened?
I try suppress error with ignoredNodes option
I try different node types, but it not working

'indent': [2, 4, {
            SwitchCase: 1,
            ignoredNodes: ['TSTypeReference', 'TSTypeReference *']

When I run traverse with *-selector, I do not receive any nodes in ClassDeclaration > .superTypeParameters

My monkey-patch fix
I do monkey-patch of parser, and now error doesn't emitted(in any indent variations, without ignoredNodes) - it's OK for me, for now.

// copy to file `.eslintrc.js`
var parser = require('typescript-eslint-parser'),
    parseForESLint = parser.parseForESLint,
    visitorKeys = require('eslint-visitor-keys');
parser.parseForESLint = function() {
    const result = parseForESLint.apply(this, arguments);
    result.visitorKeys = visitorKeys.unionWith({
        ClassDeclaration: ['superTypeParameters']// now Eslint may traverse this node
    return result;

I think, that also good idea add another additional visitorKeys for additional AstNode types

Visitor keys were added, please let us know if there are any issues with the latest version!


I updated to latest typescript@3.1.6, typescript-eslint-parser@20.1.1
My first code suppressed successfully

But this error not suppressed by ignoredNodes at another code example
Also at old version with my monkey-patch
I think that's another bug, not related to the visitor keys

export default class MyComponent extends PureComponent<
    {model: MyModel}
> {//  Expected indentation of 4 spaces but found 0    indent
        'indent': [2, 4, {
            SwitchCase: 1,
            ignoredNodes: [
                'TSTypeReference', 'TSTypeReference *',
                'TSTypeParameterInstantiation', 'TSTypeParameterInstantiation *'