eskp / deploy-sinatra

Deploy simple Sinatra app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Provision a Vagrant box and deploy Sinatra application with Git post-receive hook


Consitently repeatable

Remove human error. Provision a machine from a defined state. This definition can be used to configure as many machines as needed. Can be extended to multiple OS platforms or cloud providers.


Each configuration management run checks the state of the system and adjusts it according to the pre defined state.

Captured effort

All work is under version control. Provide a shared codebase that unifies different teams.

Executable self documentation

Serves as documentation which validates the systems and inverse is also true - systems validate documentation. Both guarantee each others quality.

Future Roadmap

  • Terraform for Infrastructure Automation on a cloud provider
  • Jenkins for Continuous Delivery and testing of the application
  • Introduce Docker to package the application for portability
  • Make Ansible roles OS independent
  • Utilise Ansible vault for passwords or use Hashicorp Vault
  • Disable SSH root access
  • Improve documentation and code comments
  • Add regular server backups and notification via email

Start here to Deploy Sinatra Application

Assume Ansible, VirtualBox and Vagrant are installed on the developer's OSX machine.

If not please see:

  1. Clone this repository and cd into it.

  2. In site.yml file add a public SSH key to deploy_key variable. Associated private key has to be installed on the developer's machine. This is used to deploy the code as described below.

  3. Bring Vagrant machine up, configured in Vagrantfile:

    vagrant up

Now the machine is setup and ready for application deployment. The application will be deployed by utilising git post-receive hook, deployed with Ansible in the step above.

  1. To deploy simple-sinatra-app code changes from the local filesystem to the dev machine, clone and go into the repository directory:
    git clone
    cd simple-sinatra-app
  1. Add new git remote. This destination was setup with Ansible above. Authentication is possible because of the deploy_key variable, added in site.yml playbook
    git remote add dev ssh://deploy@localhost:2222/home/deploy/sinatra.git
  1. Deploy to the development machine
    git push dev master

Note: when the Vagrant host is destroyed and re-created, there will be SSH fingerprint warning. In that case remove the corresponding line from ~/.ssh/known_hosts

Repeat the above step when ever deploying any new changes to the app.

Access Sinatra instance locally running at http://localhost:8080

Now that the deployment structure is setup, it can be easily ported when a production remote and host are added. The setup encourages the developer to commit often during the development however can be optimised for live changes in the future.


Deploy simple Sinatra app


Language:Shell 100.0%