eskp / ansible-role-geth

Ansible role for geth ethereum node

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Ansible role for go-ethereum node

Ansible role

These variables could be configured:

  • geth_user: user name (default geth)
  • geth_group: group name (default geth)
  • geth_bindir: override geth bin path
  • geth_home: home for geth service (default /var/lib/geth)
  • geth_extra_args: start parameters

Running system

The node instance is started by the geth systemd service.

The log is sent to the journal, to show the log messages:

journalctl --unit geth


In order to uninstall geth already installed from this role, you have to define the tag uninstall and the variable uninstall_geth=true


Ansible role for geth ethereum node