erwindon / SaltGUI

A web interface for managing SaltStack based infrastructure.

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Authentication failed using PAM with separate SaltGUI host

pju51 opened this issue · comments


Describe the bug
I always get the "Authentication failed" message on SaltGUI when I try to log with the separate SaltGUI host.

  • My version of Saltstack is 3000.3
  • I use the last release of SaltGUI.

My Saltstack master config

      - .*
      - .*
      - '@runner'
      - '@wheel'
      - '@jobs'

  debug: True
  port: 8000
  ssl_crt: /etc/salt/pki/master/api/salt-api.cert
  ssl_key: /etc/salt/pki/master/api/salt-api.key
  webhook_disable_auth: True
  webhook_url: /hook

it is used by some other internal API, I can't change the config, but I can add user or whatever
The cherrypi server answers on this URL: https://FQDN_MASTER:8000/hook

Separate SaltGUI host config
In saltgui/static/scripts/config.js I use: "API_URL": "/api",

In my container nginx, I use this default.conf config:

server {
  listen       80;
  server_name  _;
  root         /data/www;
  index        index.html;

  # handle internal api (proxy)
  location /api/ {
      proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
      proxy_set_header X-NginX-Proxy true;
      proxy_pass https://FQDN_MASTER:8000/hook/;
      proxy_ssl_session_reuse off;
      proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
      proxy_ssl_verify              off;
      proxy_ssl_server_name         off;
      proxy_redirect off;

  # handle saltgui web page
  location / {
    try_files $uri /index.html;

When I run my docker-compose file with my build image:

version: '3'
     image: saltgui_my_image
     hostname: saltgui-nginx
       - 8080:80
     restart: on-failure
     - ../saltgui:/data/www

I can access to saltgui, and the login page, but when I check with my user, I always get the "Authentication failed".

So I tested the login page from SaltGUI with curl,:

curl -sSk http://SALT_GUI:8080/api/login  \
    -H 'Accept: application/x-yaml' \
    -d username=saltgui_user \
    -d password=XXX \
    -d eauth=pam

I have the result : success: true
so normaly, I should be able to authenticate my user on the SALTGUI page.

same success message if I try the curl directly to my saltstack master:

curl -sSk https://FQDN_MASTER:8000/hook/login  \
    -H 'Accept: application/x-yaml' \
    -d username=saltgui_user \
    -d password=XXX \
    -d eauth=pam

For information, if in the proxy_pass parameter in my default.conf , I remove /hook/ in the URL, I have this error: no session and I dont have the login page. So it's worse.

what I missing ? is it a bug ? my saltstack version is too old ?

(maybe not a bug, sorry for the labels ;) )


my saltstack version is too old ?

SaltGUI supports all SaltStack versions, back to 2017.x
before that version an extra bit of code was needed, and I decided not to add that since no-one should be encouraged to use such version


Thanks @erwindon for you quick response.

I investigate a little bit with your docker-compose stack and I found my problem.

it was in my proxy_pass parameter in the nginx's default.conf file.
I had tried with https://FQDN_MASTER:8000 (not https://FQDN_MASTER:8000/ I forgot the "/" )
and and I thought I should use /hook/ but no.

the answer of the cherrypi, must not return "success: true", it's my mistake but the token:

that looks much better!
are there any remaining questions?


no thanks, you can close the ticket and sorry for the noise.

no problem!