ervandew / ag

vim plugin to search using the silver searcher (ag)

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Compatibility with tplugin / autoload

blueyed opened this issue · comments

I am testing out tplugin, which allows to lazily load Vim plugins.

From the issue I reported:
Please consider to move the Complete function to autoload/ag.vim as ag#Complete, which would facilitate the use with tplugin.

I would be happy to create a PR for this - just let me know.


Out of curiosity, does tplugin's lazy loading actually improve startup time for you? I have a fair number of plugins in my rtp (eclim, all my other plugins, + a few others), and I've never noticed any slowdown when opening vim:

$ vim --startuptime /dev/stdout +qall

times in msec
 clock   self+sourced   self:  sourced script
 clock   elapsed:              other lines

000.011  000.011: --- VIM STARTING ---
000.207  000.196: Allocated generic buffers
000.371  000.164: locale set
000.402  000.031: GUI prepared
000.406  000.004: clipboard setup
000.418  000.012: window checked
001.265  000.847: inits 1
001.280  000.015: parsing arguments
001.281  000.001: expanding arguments
001.304  000.023: shell init
001.825  000.521: Termcap init
001.911  000.086: inits 2
002.196  000.285: init highlight
002.686  000.237  000.237: sourcing /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/archlinux.vim
002.749  000.476  000.239: sourcing /etc/vimrc
093.843  091.020  001.729: sourcing $HOME/.vimrc
093.847  000.155: sourcing vimrc file(s)
144.109  001.862: loading plugins
144.956  000.847: inits 3
145.210  000.254: reading viminfo
147.231  002.021: setup clipboard
147.255  000.024: setting raw mode
147.263  000.008: start termcap
147.303  000.040: clearing screen
148.737  001.104: opening buffers
149.110  000.373: BufEnter autocommands
149.114  000.004: editing files in windows
149.205  000.091: VimEnter autocommands
149.208  000.003: before starting main loop
150.172  000.964: first screen update
150.175  000.003: --- VIM STARTED ---

Out of curiosity, does tplugin's lazy loading actually improve startup time for you?

I am currently using NeoBundle though, which has a less sophisticated method of autoloading (it does not setup command wrappers by default etc). Therefore I am experimenting currently with combining tplugin (its TPluginScan mechanism) and NeoBundle.
I have a larger set of plugins probably though.