erusev / parsedown-extra

Markdown Extra Extension for Parsedown

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Todo/Checkbox list

chapterjason opened this issue · comments

Hey, I miss the checkbox/todo feature. I already searched and found the issue #113 but it was closed and it looks like its not followed anymore.

I really like and use these feature, would be awesome to have that in here. Not sure if the extra package would be a place or the main, cause it is also in the GitHub Flavored - Section 5.3.

Something like this

- [x] Do work
- [] Do some work
- [ ] Do some extra work

will result in

Currently I use this workaround:

class AppParsedown extends ParsedownExtra
    protected function blockListComplete(array $Block)
        $list = parent::blockListComplete($Block);

        if (!isset($list)) {
            return null;

        foreach ($list['element']['elements'] as $key => $listItem) {
            $args = $listItem['handler']['argument'];
            if (isset($args[0])) {
                $firstThree = substr($args[0], 0, 3);
                $rest = trim(substr($args[0], 3));
                if ($firstThree === '[x]' || $firstThree === '[ ]') {
                    $checked = $firstThree === '[x]' ? ' checked' : '';
                    $items = $this->lineElements('<input type="checkbox" disabled' . $checked . '/> ' . $rest);
                    $list['element']['elements'][$key]['attributes']['class'] = 'task-list-item';
                    $list['element']['elements'][$key]['elements'] = $items;

        return $list;

.task-list-item {
    margin-left: -20px;
    list-style-type: none;

Could you please provide an example? Where do you add this code?

@Clicketyclick I use the class directly to parse the markdown.

This a year later is still missing, I not sure if Extra is really been worked on that much.

My Fix:
Create a new file called ParsedownExtraFix.php
include it after ParsedownExtra 'include(/'YOURFILEPATH/ParsedownExtraFix.php');'


class ParsedownExtraFix extends ParsedownExtra{
    const version = '';
    function __construct(){
        if (version_compare(parent::version, '0.8.1') < 0){
            throw new Exception('ParsedownExtraFix( requires 0.8.1 of ParsedownExtra to work.');
    protected function blockListComplete(array $Block){
        $list = parent::blockListComplete($Block);
        if (!isset($list)) {
            return null;
        foreach ($list['element'] as $key => $listItem) {
				foreach($listItem as $inList => $items){
					$CheckFind = substr($items['text'][0], 0, 3);
					$SourceContent = trim(substr($items['text'][0], 3));
					if ($CheckFind === '[x]' || $CheckFind === '[ ]') {
						$isChecked = $CheckFind === '[x]' ? ' checked' : '';
						$list['element'][$key][$inList]['attributes']['class'] = 'task-list-item';
						$list['element'][$key][$inList]['text'][0] = '<input type="checkbox" disabled' . $isChecked . '/> ' . $SourceContent;
        return $list;

I have changed this above in my own version this works but I replaced this with Fontawesome for better theming
if you have FA installed you can try my version if you like

            For this version to work you need
       to make sure Font Awesom 5.15.1 CSS 
       is included in your main site, this was 
        tested with the CSS version not the 
                           JS versions.


class ParsedownExtraFix extends ParsedownExtra {
    const version = '';
    function __construct(){
        if (version_compare(parent::version, '0.8.1') < 0){
            throw new Exception('ParsedownExtra requires a later version of Parsedown');
    protected function blockListComplete(array $Block){
        $list = parent::blockListComplete($Block);
        if (!isset($list)) {
            return null;
        foreach ($list['element'] as $key => $listItem) {
				foreach($listItem as $inList => $items){
					$firstThree = substr($items['text'][0], 0, 3);
					$rest = trim(substr($items['text'][0], 3));
					if ($firstThree === '[x]' || $firstThree === '[ ]') {
						$hex = substr($items['text'][0], strpos($items['text'][0], '{hex}')+5);
						$hex = substr($hex, 0, strpos($hex, '{/hex}'));
						if($hex != ""){
								$rest = str_replace("{hex}" . $hex . "{/hex}", "", $rest);
								$hex = ' style="color:' . $hex .';" ';
						$checked = $firstThree === '[x]' ? ' <i class="fas fa-check-square"' . $hex . '></i> ' : '<i class="far fa-square"' . $hex . '></i> ';
						$list['element'][$key][$inList]['attributes']['class'] = 'task-list-item';
						$list['element'][$key][$inList]['text'][0] = $checked . $rest;
        return $list;

This is great, thanks. Works even with Parsdown itself (not the ParsdownExtra.php)
I had to tweak the code a little bit though.

protected function blockListComplete(array $Block) {
        $list = parent::blockListComplete($Block);
        if (!isset($list)) {
            return null;
            foreach ($list['element'] as $key => $listItem) {
                if (is_array($listItem)) {
                    foreach ($listItem as $inList => $items) {
                        if(isset($items['text']) && is_array($items['text'])){
                            $CheckFind = substr($items['text'][0], 0, 3);
                            $SourceContent = trim(substr($items['text'][0], 3));
                            if ($CheckFind === '[x]' || $CheckFind === '[ ]') {
                                $isChecked = $CheckFind === '[x]' ? ' checked' : '';
                                $list['element'][$key][$inList]['attributes']['class'] = 'task-list-item';
                                $list['element'][$key][$inList]['text'][0] = '<input type="checkbox" disabled' . $isChecked . '/> ' . $SourceContent;
        return $list;

I am going to implement the work in our CMS. Anything special you want me to write to credit your contribution? Thanks.