erusev / parsedown-extra

Markdown Extra Extension for Parsedown

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Issue when using the footnote feature in version 0.8.0.

BLumia opened this issue · comments

I'm currently using parsedown 1.8.0-beta-1 and parsedown-extra 0.8.0 on PHP 5.4.17.

When using the footnote feature, PHP will show a notice text and tell me
Notice: Undefined index: element in Parsedown.php on line 334 . (Parsedown.php L334)

I'm not sure it's a issue of parsedown or parsedown-extra so I post it here...

How to reproduce the issue:

	$ParsedownExtra = new ParsedownExtra();
	echo $ParsedownExtra->text(
		"test footnote marker[^1]. test footnote marker two[^2]. \n".
		"[^1]: test marker text\n".
		"[^2]: test marker text two"

It seems when we call extractElement() at line L267 and L319, the argument doesn't have the 'element' index, hope this info helps.

Any news on this? I get the same error @aidantwoods

    protected function extractElement(array $Component)
        if ( ! isset($Component['element']) and isset($Component['markup']))
            $Component['element'] = array('rawHtml' => $Component['markup']);
        return $Component['element'];

The following code:

$parsedownExtra->text('Parsedown Extra [^1]'.PHP_EOL.'[^1]:');

Returns the following data (Laravel error handler):

array:1 [
	"Component" => array:6 [
		"label" => "1"
		"text" => ""
		"hidden" => true
		"type" => "Footnote"
		"identified" => true
		"continuable" => true

Neither element or the markup are present in the array, so the condition in Parsedown::extractElement() is never met.

This was an oversight on my part, and should be resolved when using Parsedown 1.8.0-beta-4 with ParsedownExtra 0.8.0-beta-1.

I'm currently using [...] parsedown-extra 0.8.0

I should mention that ParsedownExtra 0.8.0 wasn't released yet, the number was only set like that in master (which is a development branch) because the release is upcoming :)

That was fast! It's working again using the latest beta.

Thanks for your hard work @aidantwoods