errael / jdk-assist

Minor things copied/derived from the jdk that should be public/protected: jtable sorting header renderer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



When sorting, the regular Java Swing JTable column header cell renderer only displays ascending/descending arrows for the primary key column; and the code is inaccessible and hidden away under package sun.swing. This project's artifact handles those problems.

  • colored arrows and column header ToolTips are defined for up to 3 sort keys
  • developers can define their own icons and ToolTips
  • developers can add additional icons, used if more that 3 sort keys are enabled
  • the renderer can be extended, for example to customize the ToolTips

The artifact is jdk1.8 compatible.

A simple way to use this is:

class MyTable extends JTable
    protected JTableHeader createDefaultTableHeader() {
        return new JTableHeader(columnModel) {
            protected TableCellRenderer createDefaultRenderer() {
                return new TableSortHeaderRenderer();


TableSortHeaderRenderer is a modification of sun.swing.table.DefaultTableCellHeaderRenderer; other than supporting more than one sort key arrow display, if it does not behave the same then it is an issue/bug.

The additional icons have -<integer-id> appended to them, where integer-id is in the range 1..(nKey-1). For example, for the secondary sort key there is

  • "Table.ascendingSortIcon-1"
  • "Table.descendingSortIcon-1"
  • "Table.naturalSortIcon-1"

When the class TableSortHeaderRenderer is loaded, it defines icons using UIManager.put() for secondary and tertiary sort arrows only if the key's object is null. So developer defined defaults are not over written.

The boolean default TableHeader.rightAlignSortArrow is supported.


Minor things copied/derived from the jdk that should be public/protected: jtable sorting header renderer



Language:Java 100.0%