ernestoyaquello / VerticalStepperForm

Vertical Stepper Form Library for Android. It follows Google Material Design guidelines.

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How can i call startActivityForResult?

biko2002you opened this issue · comments

hello, i am using your library and in one of my steps i want open the users gallery and pick a photo , or from camera ,
i cant achieve this in the step as it cant override the onActivityResult void ..

how can i fix this ,
the parent is a fragment btw.

Certainly, you cannot override onActivityResult inside a step, but you don't need to. Override it in your fragment or your activity and then proceed to ask for the picture from within the step. Please take a look at #89 to see if the approach discussed there suits your needs.

Hello , Thank you for your reply and your gorgeous Library ,
i have checked the issue#89 and its quite helpful , but i have and extra thing i need to do it , as i am using the same scenario (selecting picture from gallery and uploading it) .
i need to notify the step that photo has been chosen from gallery and set to the ImageView preview , in order to call the markAsCompleteorUncomplete(true) .

so how can i call it after all work is done to end the step and proceed to the next one .