ernestoyaquello / DragDropSwipeRecyclerview

Kotlin Android library that extends RecyclerView to support gestures like drag & drop and swipe, among others. It works with vertical, horizontal and grid lists.

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No updateDataSet() Method

IronDigitalMedia opened this issue · comments

I see that you made the adapter take in the dataset inside the constructor. Would it be possible to update this to include either the dataset in the constructor or use a method called updateDataset(list:Mutablelist){}. This would allow the use of DiffUtil in adapters. Would you be able to possibly add that as a method and allow the constructor list to be null-able?

There is no method to update the dataset because you can change it by setting the public property dataSet. In case you are using Java, I imagine the method will be called setDataSet(). I hope that helps!

Upon further reading, I just realised that you wanted to be able to use DiffUtil, which is something that cannot be done easily with this library. I will update it to make sure this is doable and easy enough. Thanks for your suggestion!

I have implemented the ability to use DiffUtil if preferred, please take a look at the documentation about it. This feature is available in the version 1.0.0 of the library.

I hope that helps!