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timeout in erlide_debug:interpret/4

georg-w-mueller opened this issue · comments

Ladies, Gents, Contributors,

Just for information: Debugging fails, no halt at breakpoints, no process information
More details -> Logfile attached

Erlang/OTP 20 [erts-9.1] [64-bit] [smp:6:6] [ds:6:6:10] [async-threads:10]
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers Version: Oxygen.1a Release (4.7.1a) Build id: 20171005-1200
eclipse.vm=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_92\bin\server\jvm.dll
java.version=1.8.0_92, mode, HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
Erlide v0.52.2.201707181448~ (model api= (kernel=?~
Windows 10, 64bit, firewall deactivated

Thanks, I will look at it.

Sorry for the delay, I was working on a different project. Found the issue. hopefully I can fix and publish it soon.

Notes to self (maybe write one ticket for each?):

  • The debugger code for v19 and v20 is wrong, calls removed module sys_pre_expand; probably modified while applying the erlide-specific patches, and never tested properly
  • Split the debuggers into separate plugins, and not rebuild/publish them every time. This will probably make the process of building and publishing easier (no need to always have installed all supported versions of Erlang).
  • Add debugger for v21
  • Review the erlide patches: can we make their application more secure? Document the procedure.
  • There are many parts of the kernel that aren't automatically tested, think if it's possible to do that. Simple smokescreen tests would be good too.

@jesperes I know you are interested in the debugger, you might want to keep an eye on this ticket and comment.