erikw / tmux-powerline

⚡️ A tmux plugin giving you a hackable status bar consisting of dynamic & beautiful looking powerline segments, written purely in bash.

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Powerline on multiple lines in bash, and not showing top one on zsh

itsthatguy opened this issue · comments

So... I have it to a state where it's sort of working in bash. With ZSH, it's display is even worse.

Any ideas?


Exactly what is the problem and what does the two images represent? Is that single "u" on a line of it's own caused by tmux-powerline?

Yes. Tmux without powerline works fine, it's the addition of powerline that seems to be causing the issue...

The issue are that in Bash, the powerline is on 2 lines, and glitchy entering commands.
With ZSH the first line of powerline doesn't show up only the u that you see on the second line on the bash version. However, when I enter a command, it displays for a super glitchy second; it flashes in and out of sight, as I run commands

That's strange. What terminal emulator, OS etc. are you using?

How does ZSH affect this? tmux-powerline runs with bash and should not depend on what shell you as a user are using.

Sorry added edits above.

OS: Mountain Lion
Terminal: iterm2

Also,what version of zsh are you using. Old versions of zsh did not play
nicely with Unicode. If this is an old version it may cause issues when
tmux attempts to display Unicode. That being said, I use zsh and suspect
the cause is elsewhere if you have updated your shell.

2013�$BG/�(B1�$B7n�(B11�$BF|6bMKF|�(B Erik Westrup

That's strange. What terminal emulator, OS etc. are you using?

How does ZSH affect this? tmux-powerline runs with bash and should not
depend on what shell you as a user are using.

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ZSH: 5

Here's the duplicate line issue (also showing how my cursor in moving down)


I think you should disable the powerline in your PROMPT just to make sure
it is tmux's problem.

2013�$BG/�(B1�$B7n�(B11�$BF|6bMKF|�(B Kevin Altman

Here's the multiple line issues (also showing how my cursor in moving down)

[image: wtf-powerline-zsh-dupes]

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I have. It does this in both ZSH and bash, with no theme, or alterations.

Also what is LANG and TERM set to?

2013�$BG/�(B1�$B7n�(B11�$BF|6bMKF|�(B Kevin Altman

I have. Still does it.

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For TERM I've tried both,

I had this problem with my zsh on terminal. Fixed by unchecking [Unicode East Asian Ambiguous characters are wide] in Preferences -> Settings -> Advanced

Does that solve the problem @itsthatguy ?

@erikw: It's too hard to say, I ended up reformatting my computer.

just to add that adding


fixed the problems for me

unfortunately, I also met this multi-line problem, here is my LANG and TERM, any comments?
dingo@dingofhell:$ echo $LANG
$ echo $TERM

I just ran into this problem today and found this thread.

I was using ITerm2 and while the option isn't exactly 'Fixed by unchecking [Unicode East Asian Ambiguous characters are wide]' a very similar option 'Treat ambigous-width characters as double width' was on, and disabling it fixed the problem for me.

I'm having this problem on Fedora 25, gnome terminal.


Same problem😕
I did as this answer said: and solved.


# use UTF8
set -g utf8
set-window-option -g utf8 on

I have similar issue. I am using zsh and mintty. I have the left and right segments showing up properly, but the big green bar is still in the centre, doesn't look too bad...but if it's unintended, I am experiencing this bug.