eriktheV-king / TTGO_T-beam_GPS-reset

Reset U-blox NEO GPS devices on TTGO T-beam T22- V1.0 and 1.1 back to factory settings

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After running GPS-T22_v1.0-20190612_v1.1-20191212-resetGPS on TTGO T-BEAM v.1.0 20190612 ==> axp192 not detected anymore on I2C bus

magdalinos opened this issue · comments

I am using a TTGO T-BEAM v.1.0 2019612 , suddenly my GPS stopped working.
I applied GPS-T22_v1.0-20190612_v1.1-20191212-resetGPS and using the serial monitor I saw it was in an endless loop.

Removed power sources from the T-BEAM and after that any program I use does not manage to communicate with the axp

Example code used:
Wire.begin(i2c_sda, i2c_scl);
int ret = axp.begin(Wire, AXP192_SLAVE_ADDRESS);
f (ret == AXP_FAIL) {
Serial.println("AXP Power begin failed");
while (1);

I do get the message "AXP Power begin failed" and then gets in the endless loop !

Any ideas?

Everyting was working fine before and have not touched or soldered anything on the board.