erichard / SublimePHPCompanion

A Sublime Text plugin that provides cool stuff for PHP 5.3+ coding session.

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"Find Use" doesn't working for me.

damonto opened this issue · comments

I got an error when allow_use_from_global_namespace is True.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/Sublime", line 818, in run_
  File "php_companion.commands.find_use_command in /Users/DamonTo/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/PHP Companion.sublime-package", line 17, in run
  File "php_companion.utils in /Users/DamonTo/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/PHP Companion.sublime-package", line 40, in find_symbol
  File "php_companion.utils in /Users/DamonTo/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/PHP Companion.sublime-package", line 49, in find_in_global_namespace
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'STARTUPINFO'

If allow_use_from_global_namespace is False. There is no problem.

Hi @damonto

The latest release should fix this problem.

I tried upgrade PHP Companion to latest release. but this problem still so.


I'm setuping a new workstation (as of tonight), pulled my usual packages (of which PHP Companion is one of!) and placed my keybindings and stumbled across this too. Tried other commands and it's like they won't fire up. I'm not sure if I was on the latest version before on my last setup, but now it's just not working.

Using the console I can attest that the correct keybinding is sent, and that the command is fired (key evt: super+e and command: find_use appears in console with proper setting enabled), but that it, nothing happens in my file.

Is there any log I can pull somewhere to try and help solving this?

Same issue here. Also of note, on Windows, a CMD window opens for a split second, and it seems to be running a PHP script (title bar ends in php.exe). Immediately closes, nothing happens. Also verified command is firing via the console.

Well this is now working. Entirely unsure what I changed, if anything...