ericclemmons / grunt-express-server

Grunt task for running an Express Server that works great with LiveReload + Watch/Regarde

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configure debug port?

matyus opened this issue · comments

I am in a situation where I'm running two separate servers on my computer and they both want to use the same port (but can't) so I was hoping to change it for one of them... However, the only solution I've found it outside the scope of the gruntfile configuration, something like node --debug=7000 app.js (ie.

Am I just missing something obvious, or is it possible to alter the default debug port from 5858 in the gruntfile?

You should be able to use the usual:

$ PORT=5858 grunt

as you would:

$ PORT=5858 node app.js

Alternatively, you can specify the port option as well.

Since it sounds like you have a single entry-point that starts up two servers, my preferred approach is having the primary use the default or specified PORT variable (usually 3000) while the other uses (process.env.PORT || 3000) + 1.

Ah, I see now. (Didn't click the link the 1st time). As mentioned via the README, you should be able to add additional opts for the node command: opts: ['--debug=5858'].

@ericclemmons adding the flag to the opts array certainly works. thank you!