ericcj / amz_sp_api

AmzSpApi - Unofficial Ruby gem for the Selling Partner APIs (SP-API)

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Fulfillment Inbound API getShipments is missing READY_TO_SHIP status

cheeseweasel opened this issue · comments

The validation on the shipment_status_list parameter for get_shipments is missing READY_TO_SHIP:

if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && opts[:'shipment_status_list'] && !opts[:'shipment_status_list'].all? { |item| ['WORKING', 'SHIPPED', 'RECEIVING', 'CANCELLED', 'DELETED', 'CLOSED', 'ERROR', 'IN_TRANSIT', 'DELIVERED', 'CHECKED_IN'].include?(item) }
fail ArgumentError, 'invalid value for "shipment_status_list", must include one of WORKING, SHIPPED, RECEIVING, CANCELLED, DELETED, CLOSED, ERROR, IN_TRANSIT, DELIVERED, CHECKED_IN'
end - the definition is under "/fba/inbound/v0/shipments"

I'm not sure if this has happened because of the two similar shipment lists we have here: (this does not include READY_TO_SHIP) (this does)