erginersoy / Shuttle-Backend

Shuttle makes easy, secure and fast mobile apps distribution possible. It allows delivering iOS and Android mobile applications to stakeholders from the very beginning of the cooperation with the app creators. To try out our solution, simply use our code and if you need frontend and mobile app — contact us directly!

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Shuttle Backend

About Shuttle

Shuttle makes easy, secure and fast mobile apps distribution possible. It was created by Polidea as an internal tool, which allows delivering iOS and Android mobile applications to stakeholders from the very beginning of the cooperation with the app creators. To try out our solution, simply use our code and if you need frontend and mobile app—contact us directly! We’ll be more than happy to help, integrate the solution or create a brand new frontend. More at


  • JDK 8
  • Docker with docker-compose

How to run?

Run app locally:

  • ./gradlew clean test: build project and run all tests
  • ./gradlew bootRun: start app and serve it on http://localhost:8080

You can turn on one of defined profiles, eg.: ./gradlew bootRun

There are following profiles meant to be used:

  • development (default): for local development, with embedded database
  • testing: for testing environment to play around on prepared data, with real database, to be used in pair with development Docker containers
  • production: for production environment to provide released app for clients, with real database, to be used in pair with production Docker containers
  • integrationTests: for integration tests, with embedded database

Run app in development environment inside Docker containers with real database and proxy server:

IntelliJ IDEA configuration

After you import a project to IntelliJ IDEA, you want to perform following steps:

  1. "Add VCS root" so IDEA will synchronize with Git repository (there will be prompt to add VCS root)
  2. Revert changes made on files inside .idea/ directory: IntelliJ make some configuration changes when project is imported but we want to use project configuration provided in repository.

If you want to run app from the IntelliJ IDEA, you need to do the following:

  1. Install Spring Boot plugin.
  2. Create "Run Configuration" of type Spring Boot with following parameters:
    • "Name": it's your choice, eg. ShuttleApplication
    • "Single instance only": yes
    • "Main class": com.polidea.shuttle.ShuttleApplication
    • "Use classpath of module": Backend_main

Initial database setup

When Backend starts up, it checks whether required data is loaded into database. Which data is loaded depends on active Spring profiles.

In general:

  • There is user with admin_access Global Permission. They can log-in into Admin Panel, he can receive Verification Code too (and Access Token with use of this code).
  • There is user with can_create_build Global Permission. He can create Builds with use of token defined in application.yml as shuttle.tokens.continuous-deployment.


We are working on e-mail templates (for ease of development) but our code is using inlined versions of these e-mails.

To use e-mail feature you have to create account on mailgun and add your credentials to application-development.yml.

To update e-mail please go through following steps:

  1. Edit <email_name>_template.html
  2. Use Responsive Email Inliner to prepare inlined version your template
  3. Update <email_name>_inlined.html with inlined result
  4. Commit without automatic file formatting (to not break inlined file)

Avatars and AWS S3

Shuttle comes with set of default Avatars for users (copies of them available in assets/default-avatars/ directory). Moreover new avatars can be uploaded by users. All these image files are stored on AWS S3.

We have to make sure that default avatars have same 9 URLs as provided in application.yml.

In order to work with S3 outside the Shuttle code you will need AWS CLI. It can be installed with brew install awscli. You would probably configure auto-completion too with complete -C '/usr/local/bin/aws_completer' aws (for more details look here). High-level commands reference can be helpful too.

To access S3 with AWS CLI, you will need credentials configured with aws configure.

To check that you have access to S3:

  1. aws s3 ls s3://<bucket_name_for_given_environment> to list top-level files in a bucket
  2. echo $? to check that error code is 0, so there were no errors

Database schema and initial data

For all profiles database is configured with Flyway migration files placed in src/main/resources/db/migration. Valid migration files have name matching pattern V<version_number>__<description>.sql. You can read more about "Versioned Migrations" in Flyway documentation.

Moreover there are two sets of data which are loaded into database on application start. Every time application is started it checks whether those data sets are present in database, and creates them if not. These data sets are described in class InitialDataLoad and turned on by having profiles active:

  • mandatoryData: data required for application to work properly
  • developmentData: extra data for development and testing purpose

Push Notifications

For push notification feature it is required to create FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) project and add credentials to application-development.yml.

Authorization via Google

To use Google OAuth Authorization you have to create account and add google token to application.yml file. Read more here.

Documentation on Postman

It is possible to check API via Postman by importing collections and environment from ./postman directory.

Documentation on Apiary

We are using Apiary for documentation of API here:


Shuttle makes easy, secure and fast mobile apps distribution possible. It allows delivering iOS and Android mobile applications to stakeholders from the very beginning of the cooperation with the app creators. To try out our solution, simply use our code and if you need frontend and mobile app — contact us directly!


Language:Groovy 48.2%Language:Java 45.9%Language:HTML 5.6%Language:TSQL 0.2%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%Language:PLSQL 0.0%