erdem6161 / ecodation_blog

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Getting Started

Reference Documentation

Gereksinimler Java 11 intellij idea Ultimate Visual Studio Code Node js

Visual Stuidio codes


  • Browser preview
  • Auto Close tag
  • Auto import
  • Auto rename tag
  • Bootstrap 5 Quick Snipperts
  • Bracket Pair Colorizer 2
  • Css Snippet
  • Es7+ React/REdux/React-Native snippets
  • Html Snippets
  • JsQuery Snippets
  • Live Server
  • Material Icon Theme
  • Open-in-Browser
  • Path Intellisense
  • Prettier Code formatter
  • Project Manager
  • Reactjs code Snippets


  • Html5
  • Css3
  • responsive design
  • Js
  • jquery
  • Bootstrap
  • react
  • javase
  • jdbc crud native
  • hibernate
  • spring core
  • spring mvc
  • spring data
  • spring rest
  • spring security



Spring Web Spring Data JPA Spring Security

Thymeleaf Lombok Validation

H2 Database Mysql Postgresql

Spring Boot DevTools Spring Configuration Processor Spring Boot Actuator


1.ADIM npx create-react-app frontend cd frontend npm start code .

2.ADIM NOT: node_modules siliyoruz bunu sonrasında npm i

3.ADIM terminal: package.json seviyesinde olacak şekilde npm install axios npm install bootstrap --save npm install node-sass --save

For further reference, please consider the following sections:


The following guides illustrate how to use some features concretely:



Language:HTML 63.9%Language:Java 33.3%Language:CSS 2.8%