eraserhd / rep

A single-shot nREPL client designed for shell invocation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Publish new binaries on GitHub?

metametadata opened this issue · comments

It would be convenient to have the latest binaries published on GitHub.

The current ones with v0.1.2 seem to be old (2019 while there were changes in rep.c in 2021) and the Ubuntu binary rep-0.1.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz is out-of-sync with macOS binary.


ᐅ rep -h
rep: Single-shot nREPL client
  rep [OPTIONS] [--] [CODE ...]
  -h, --help                      Show this help screen.
  -l, --line=[FILE:]LINE[:COLUMN] Set reference file, line, and column for errors.
  -n, --namespace=NS              Evaluate code in NS (default: user).
  --no-print=KEY                  Suppress output for KEY.
  --op=OP                         nREPL operation (default: eval).
  -p, --port=ADDRESS              TCP port, host:port, @portfile, or @FNAME@RELATIVE.
  --print=KEY|KEY,FD,FORMAT       Print FORMAT to FD when KEY is present.
  --send=KEY,TYPE,VALUE           Send additional KEY of VALUE in request.
  -v, --verbose                   Show all messages sent and received.


# ./rep -h
rep: Single-shot nREPL client
  rep [OPTIONS] CODE ...

  -h, --help                                   Show this help screen.
  -l, --line LINE[:COLUMN]       1             Specify code's starting LINE and COLUMN.
  -n, --namespace NS             user          Evaluate expressions in NS.
      --op OP                    eval          Send OP as the nREPL operation.
  -p, --port [HOST:]PORT|@FILE   @.nrepl-port  Connect to HOST at PORT, which may be read from FILE.
      --print KEY[,FD[,FORMAT]]  ["out,1,%{name}" "err,2,%{err}" "value,1,%{value}%n"]  Print KEY from response messages to FD using FORMAT.
      --send KEY,TYPE,VALUE                    Send KEY: VALUE in request.