equelin / Unity-Powershell

PowerShell module for managing EMC Unity arrays

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enhancement request for command new-UnityHostInitiator

suvratn opened this issue · comments

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  • Check that your Powershell version > 5.0 (Bonus point if you are using the latest version available)
  • Check that you follow the instructions for installing the module

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  • Any instructions that may help to reproduce the problem
  • Informations about your host $PSVerionTable
  • The list of the loaded modules Get-Module

PS C:\Windows\system32> $PSVersionTable.PSVersion

Major Minor Build Revision

5 1 17763 771


I can use new-UnityHost to create a new host, but dont seem to have a powershell command to add an initiator. I can do this manually in the web gui by going to the host and then the Initiators tab. Pressing + there actually shows the initiator I need as auto-discovered.

The command for get-UnityHostInitiator also works fine for me showing the auto-discovered initiator I added in the web gui. So I need a command new-UnityHostInitiator which can do the same in powershell that I did in the web gui