equeim / tremotesf2

Remote GUI for transmission-daemon

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


alabotski opened this issue · comments

Why does the Portable version store its settings and logs on the user's system?
It turns out that there is a dependence on the machine where the settings were made

That's because it's not a portable build, it's just archive without installer. Initially there wasn't msi installer at all, just zip archive. When I added installer I just kept publishing archive too. Not sure whether adding proper portable build is worth it, what do you want to use it for?

I have keenetic 1810
I want to manage torrents from both my home and work computers
Run app from USB flash

My suggestion would be to check for a zero-byte file "portable" in the same directory as the app's exe. If the portable file exists save all the settings/logs/etc in the app directory. If it doesn't exist use the user's APPDATA directory as it does now.