equeim / tremotesf2

Remote GUI for transmission-daemon

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Install and build fails on debian 12

midzer opened this issue · comments



this looks like a promising application!

Miserably, I can't get it to install on debian 12 (bookworm) which ships libfmt9.
Could not compile from source either with build instructions.

If you give me some guidelines, I can dig deeper.

Have a nice weekend

I tried to build tremotesf in debian:bookworm container and it succeeded. Can you provide build log and commands that you used to build it?


First, I've installed tremotesf2 via apt and it complains about missing dependency libfmt7 which does not exist on debian 12 any more.

Ah, so you tried to install it from http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/equeim:/tremotesf/Debian_11/ repository? That's only for Debian 11. Different Debian versions are not compatible with each other, packages from 11 can't be installed on 12 (sometimes apt can allow it but it's still not recommended). Since 12 is not released yet I don't provide a repository for it. You will need to build Tremotesf from source code or install it from Flatpak.

I added Debian Testing repo to OBS. Same instructions as in README, just replace Debian_11 with Debian_Testing.