equeim / tremotesf2

Remote GUI for transmission-daemon

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Feature Request: Don't force associate tremotesf with .torrent files when installing

Pentaphon opened this issue · comments

I use tremotesf2 as a secondary client to connect to my server so I don't need it to take my associations when installing. I also already have Transmission on my desktop as well for quick torrenting to my laptops and desktop and I'd like my local version of Transmission to always keep .torrent file associations so in the future can you make it so the tremotesf2 installer doesn't take file associations away from my existing desktop torrent client? Can you just let us also change associations by hand with the tremotesf2 options page or the OS's file association settings page instead? It's a bit annoying to have to get associations back from tremotesf2 when installing it on a new device and it would be nice if it didn't just take those associations automatically when installing. Thanks.

P.S. Perhaps simply make tremotesf associate itself with .torrent files optional when installing instead of just doing it without the user's permission?