EpigrafTeknoloji / 8digits-Android-SDK

Android SDK for 8digits

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8digits.com Android SDK


Adding SDK To Your Project

You can add 8digits Android SDK to your project by adding 8digits-sdk.jar file to your project.

Getting client instance

You should create new instance of client in your main activity.

this.eightdigitsClient = EightDigitsClient.createInstance(this, "<API_URL>", "<TRACKING_CODE>");

8Digits client is a singleton class, if you want to get instance of class in other activities, you should type code below in your activity's onCreate event.

this.eightdigitsClient = EightDigitsClient.getInstance();

Creating Auth token (Creating session)

After getting instance of client, you should create authToken to make requests. To create authToken


Creating authToken in your main activity is enough. You don't have to call this method in other activities.

Creating New Visit

After creating your session (Creating auth token), you should call newVisit method which creates sessionCode and hitCode. 8digits SDK will associate hitCode and sessionCode with your view to use later when sending events.

this.eightdigitsClient.newVisit("<Title of Visit>", "<Path>");

Setting Location Of Visit

Before calling newVisit method, you should call setLocation("<Latitude>", "<Longtitude>") method to set location of visitor.

Creating New Hit

If you want to create new hitCode you can call newScreen method of client.

int hitCode = this.eightdigitsClient.newScreen("<Screen Name>", "<Screen Path>");

Re-creating Hit

Every time user navigate to your activity, you need create new hitCode. Doing this is so easy in 8digits SDK. You just need to call onRestart method of client in your Activity's onRestart method. You can see example usage below.

    protected void onRestart() {
      this.eightdigitsClient.onRestart("<Title of Visit>", "<Path>");

Creating New Event

To create a new event, you can use newEvent method. 8digits SDK automatically adds hitCode to your new event request. SDK, sends events to the server asynchronously and does not affect your application's user experience.

this.eightdigitsClient.newEvent("<Event Key>", "<Event Value>");

Getting User Score

You can get user badges with score method. This method just takes one callback argument. Callback is a instance of EightDigitsResultListener class. You can see example below.

this.eightdigitsClient.score(new EightDigitsResultListener() {
        public void handleResult(JSONObject result) {
          // TODO Auto-generated method stub

You need to control error key in handleResult method. If result has error key, this means your api request is failed.

Getting User Badges

You can get user badges with visitorBadges method. This method just takes one callback argument. Callback is a instance of EightDigitsResultListener class. You can call this method how you call score method. You can see example above.

Getting Account Badges

You can get account badges with badges method. This method just takes one callback argument. Callback is a instance of EightDigitsResultListener class. You can call this method how you call score method. You can see example above.

Displaying Badge Image in ImageView

To display an image of badge in an ImageView, you should use badgeImage method. First parameter is your image view from your view, second argument is badge's id.

Ending Hit

You should end user hits in your activities onDestroy method. You can do this by calling, endScreen method. You don't need to send any parameter to this method.


Ending Visit

You should end user visit. You should call this method only in your main activity's onDestroy method.


Setting Visitor Attribute And Avatar

To set attribute of visitor, you should use setVisitorAttribute method, to set avatar of visitor you should use setVisitorAvatar method.

this.eightdigitsClient.setVisitorAttribute("fullName", "Foo Bar");

Setting Visitor GSM

You can set visitor GSM by calling identifyAndSetVisitorGSM method after creating visit.


Configuring Logging

If you want to disable logging for EightDigitsClient class you can call setLoggingEnabled method. To disable logging, after creating an instance of EightDigitsClient class, you should call method as shown below.


Default value of logging is true which means every http request to 8digits API servers will be logged to LogCat. We suggest disabling logging when you release your application to market because of security reasons.


Gurkan Oluc (@grkn) gurkan@8digits.com


Android SDK for 8digits


Language:Java 100.0%