epicshaggy / capacitor-native-biometric

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Capacitor 5 support

ihmpavel opened this issue · comments

Capacitor 5 has been announced and released.

Unfortunately plugins made for Capacitor 4 are not backwards compatible without few changes. That means users are enforced to stay on Capacitor 4.

The change looks pretty straightforward - https://capacitorjs.com/docs/updating/plugins/5-0

Community plugins with open PRs

I forked the plugin, made upgrade to v5 and set CI/CD to test and keep it update automatic.
My Org Capgo will finance the maintenance of it.
npm i @capgo/capacitor-native-biometric

This seems to have been fixed with Capacitor CLI 5.0.2:
ionic-team/capacitor#6504 (comment)

Do we have any update on the migration to Capacitor 5?

I can't find out any newest version that can support capacitor 5. Do we have any news on this thread?

You can use the Capgo version.
It’s still maintained and had some fix for android and iOS latest version.
I did a release this week for capacitor 6

You can use the Capgo version. It’s still maintained and had some fix for android and iOS latest version. I did a release this week for capacitor 6

Just have one concern. In case if switching to the Capgo version. How can we migrate existing biometric that is setup in by original version?

Have a try in local. For me biometric data are link to the app not the plugin so it should be builtin replace

Have a try in local. For me biometric data are link to the app not the plugin so it should be builtin replace

Thanks @riderx. Just retried and I can see that Capgo version still can load biometric from Epicshaggy version. Maybe, I got the issue of un-sync data because using "Live Update" feature (only update Web part) in Ionic. Switching to Capgo version requires to update in Native souce as well.

Yes it cannot be live update, the native plugin had to have a different name so the same JS cannot contact it