epicshaggy / capacitor-native-biometric

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

catch of verifyIdentity is not returning the error code

RRGT19 opened this issue · comments

  • "capacitor-native-biometric": "^4.1.3",

All the errors that are returned by the verifyIdentity inside the catch block, returns only a message property, example:

message: "Verification error: error"

The code property (tells the VerifyIdentityErrors) is missing. At least on Android, I haven't try it on iOS.


This is a error response for iOS:
"errorMessage":"Authentication canceled."

And yes on android there is only a message property

I have the same problem on Android. On iOs the plugin work perfectly.
On Android if i check if NativeBiometric isAvailable, I obtain:

  biometryType: 0,
  errorCode: 12,
  isAvailable: false

Code 12 is "invalidContext" error... but I do not know what is means.

I have try with another android device and it work. In te first, I do not have fingerprint ID but face authentication. In the second I have finerprint.
So, the problem that I have now is with face authentication on Android.