epicshaggy / capacitor-native-biometric

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

unable to get credentials from server

viharshitha opened this issue · comments

Hi Team,

The following code is what I used to build the app with Ionic and Capacitor, but I am unable to get credentials from the server. How do I specify the server name? When setting credentials, we set these values in keychain (iOS), but when I move the checked-in passwords, the saved credentials aren't visible.


async ngOnInit() {
		async (result: AvailableResult) => {
			const isAvailable = result.isAvailable;
			alert('RESULT ' + JSON.stringify(result));
			const isFaceId = result.biometryType === BiometryType.FACE_ID;
			if (isAvailable) {
				// Get user's credentials
				await NativeBiometric.verifyIdentity({
					reason: 'For easy log in',
					title: 'Log in',
					subtitle: 'Maybe add subtitle here?',
					description: 'Maybe a description too?'
					async () => {
						// Authentication successful
						await NativeBiometric.getCredentials({
							server: 'www.server.com'
							(credentials: Credentials) => {
								alert('CREDENTIAL ' + JSON.stringify(credentials));
								this.email = credentials.username;
								this.password = credentials.password;
							(error) => {
								// Failed to authenticate
								console.log('$$$$$$$Failed to authenticate');
					(error) => {
						// Failed to authenticate
						console.log('$$$$$$$Failed to getCredentials', error);
		(error) => {
			// Couldn't check availability

submit function:

submit() {
	if (Capacitor.getPlatform() === 'ios') {
			username: this.email,
			password: this.password
	this.authenticationError = false;
	this.loading = true;
	this.passwordinfo = this.password;
	this.loginService.fetchAuthToken(this.email, this.password).subscribe(
		(tokens) => {
				username: this.email,
				password: this.password,
				server: 'www.server.com'
			console.log('$$c setCredentials ', this.email, this.password);


I'm not sure I understand, if you could please walk me trough how this is supposed go? Are you running the submit function before ngOnInit is Called?