epicshaggy / capacitor-native-biometric

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Stops working on Android and need to restart to make it work again

swanswanmta opened this issue · comments

It can no longer retrieve the credentials until the phone is restart again. It only happens on the android phone.

Same issue, confirmed on Pixed 6, Android 14 and also same was mentioned by a person after version update on Android 9, please advise!

I have a similar problem but there is a workaround.

If you unlock the device using face recognition, then try to use the plugin method getCredentials in my app it fails with the following error:

Sending plugin error: {"save":false,"callbackId":"36493558","pluginId":"NativeBiometric","methodName":"getCredentials","success":false,"error":{"message":"Failed to get credentials"}}

If you unlock the device using a pattern or a fingerprint (not tried passcode) then getCredentials works just fine.

This occurred on a Tab Active 3 (Android 13) and a Tab Active 4 Pro (Android 14).
This only happens on Android devices.

I have a similar problem but there is a workaround.

If you unlock the device using face recognition, then try to use the plugin method getCredentials in my app it fails with the following error:

Sending plugin error: {"save":false,"callbackId":"36493558","pluginId":"NativeBiometric","methodName":"getCredentials","success":false,"error":{"message":"Failed to get credentials"}}

If you unlock the device using a pattern or a fingerprint (not tried passcode) then getCredentials works just fine.

This occurred on a Tab Active 3 (Android 13) and a Tab Active 4 Pro (Android 14). This only happens on Android devices.

Incredible, it took more than 4 hours looking for the error and this solved it. A temporary message can be left for users to let them know what is happening.

I reproduce this bug many time a day on Android 12, I have only fingerprint available for biometric verification and I don't unlock the phone using the biometry.

For more information I set a first credential it works when I set a second with server value different it does not work

So there is no solution ?

Any solution?

I have the same problem

when i unlock Pixel 7 pro with faceid app throws

Error: Failed to get credentials

BiometryType is 6 means that it is MULTIPLE

There is a bug on android, capacitor 5 I changed the plugin for access to secure storage

There is a bug on android, capacitor 5 I changed the plugin for access to secure storage

Would you mind sharing the plugin?