epicollect / epi-collect

🌏🌎🌍 Liberate Google Takeout location data for epidemiological research and local contact tracing https://epi-collect.org

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

In data deletion process, show user number of data points that will be deleted

larsmennen opened this issue · comments

Current state

When a user wants to delete their data using their token on https://epi-collect.org/delete, at the moment as soon as they click submit all their data will be deleted (after it has been verified to be a correct token in the backend).

Desired state

When a user wants to delete their data:

  1. They enter their token
  2. They see in the UI that this will delete X locations and Y answers to questions they submitted.
  3. They can confirm deletion.

Changes required

  • In the backend (api.py), the current delete route will need to be split into two: one route that returns the number of data points and one to confirm deletion.
  • In the frontend, when submitting, we first call the first route, then show a modal / other UI component to the user stating how many data points there are and allow them to confirm. Then call the second route and delete the data.