epicmaxco / vuestic-admin

Free and Beautiful Vue 3 Admin Template

Home Page:https://admin.vuestic.dev

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dynamic links for different environments

asvae opened this issue · comments

We have many different environments, but all links are hardcoded to production (master) environment. So if you follow from develop landing to demo - you'll land on production demo. Which might be confusing.

What we want instead is to have these links defined as part of the env in railway config - so that landing and demo links environments match.

Here are all the links:

  • master - landing: admin.vuestic.dev, demo: admin-demo.vuestic.dev
  • develop - landing: admin-develop.vuestic.dev, demo: admin-demo-develop.vuestic.dev
  • experimental - landing: admin-experimental.vuestic.dev, demo: admin-demo-experimental.vuestic.dev

May i take this one?