ephsmith / d2l-snippets

yasnippet snippets for D2L/Brightspace CSV Question format

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This collection of snippets is useful for authoring CSV formatted questions for import into the D2L / Brightspace LMS. There are snippets for every question type detailed in the sample question template provided by D2L/Brightspace.



The only prerequisites are:

  • an yasnippet compatible editor (Emacs, Aquamacs, Spacemacs, etc.)
  • working yasnippet installation.

Download the repository

You can download the repository or simply clone it into a directory of your choosing.

git clone https://github.com/ephsmith/d2l-snippets

If you chose “Download ZIP”

Unzip the download.

Determine your snippet directory

Your custom snippets should be installed to a custom snippet directory–not the default yasnippet snippet dir.

In Aquamacs/Emacs, you can view and customize the yas-snippet-dirs variable with the following:

M-x customize-variable RET yas-snippet-dirs

Copy the snippets to your snippet dir

The snippets are csv-mode snippets and should be installed into a directory of the same name under your snippet dir.

  • If you don’t already have a csv-mode directory in your snippet directory, then simply copy the entire csv-mode directory from the repository to your snippet directory.
  • If you already have a csv-mode directory, copy only the contents of the csv-mode directory over.

Assert that yasnippet is enabled for CSV mode

To enable yasnippet for csv-mode only, add the following to your emacs config file:

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'yas-minor-mode-on)

Alternatively, you can just enable yasnippet globally by adding this line to your emacs config:

(yas-global-mode 1)

I prefer the latter because yasnippet doesn’t get in the way of modes I already use and it allows me the freedom to create a snippet for any mode at any time.


Reload the snippet directory contents. In emacs,

M-x yas-reload-all RET


These snippets are only active in csv-mode. With the exception of the code snippet, all snippets have a key that begins with d2l and ends with the D2L question type descriptor–as seen in the sample question template.


yasnippet snippets for D2L/Brightspace CSV Question format

License:MIT License


Language:YASnippet 100.0%