eonu / feud

Build powerful CLIs with simple idiomatic Python, driven by type hints. Not all arguments are bad.

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Dynamic addition of commands to a `Group`

eonu opened this issue · comments

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Feature description

Currently commands must be specified as members of a Group subclass when the subclass is defined, i.e.:

import feud

class CLI(feud.Group):
    def func():

In some cases, it may be useful to define the group first, then add the command later, e.g.:

import feud

def func1():

def func2():

class CLI(feud.Group):

CLI.add_commands(func1, func2)

Where func1/func2 may be a function, or a click.Command generated from @feud.command/@click.command/@click.group.

Proposed signature is:

import typing

class Group(...):
    def add_commands(
        cls: type[Group], 
        *args: click.Command | typing.Callable,
        **kwargs: click.Command | typing.Callable,

If called with keyword arguments, the key should be used as the name of the attribute added to the Group subclass.

The function should update __feud_commands__ on the subclass, and any other relevant attributes. It should probably check that there isn't already a class member with the same name.

If a function is provided, it should be wrapped with @feud.command(config=cls.__feud_config__).

Note: If the user is permitted to call Group.add_command on a click.Group, the following should change to include objects in cls.commands() which are click.Groups.


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return [
name="Command groups",