eonpatapon / mpDris2

MPRIS V2.1 support for mpd

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Option "notify_paused" has no effect

lucasluduenasegre opened this issue · comments

Expected Behavior

If the option "notify_paused" in mpDris2.conf is set to "False", pause notifications should be hidden.

Current Behavior

Pause notifications show regardless of what's set as the value of "notify_paused".

It works on my system,, I'd try running mpDris2 like mpDris2 -c path/to/mpDris2.conf to ensure it's actually reading the config file.
I had a problem at first where it wouldn't read my config file because I accidentally put it in ~/.config/mpdris2 instead of ~/.config/mpDris2

I can verify that this is also happening on my system. @ColdMacaroni's fix did not change anything.

Edit: I realized that I have version 0.9.1 installed, which does not support the "notify_paused" option. @lucasluduenasegre, can you verify which version you have installed? And does upgrading to the git version fix your issue?