eonpatapon / mpDris2

MPRIS V2.1 support for mpd

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Empty value for album artist

lhupitr opened this issue · comments

mpDris2 doesn't seem to be able to return the album artist (xesam:albumArtist):

playerctl --player mpd metadata
mpd xesam:album
mpd xesam:title
mpd mpris:trackid
mpd mpris:length
mpd xesam:contentCreated
mpd xesam:trackNumber
mpd xesam:discNumber
mpd xesam:artist
mpd xesam:url

Are you sure your file has this metadata ? mpDris2 should expose it if it's in the correct format (list of strings I believe) https://github.com/eonpatapon/mpDris2/blob/master/src/mpDris2.in.py#L113 https://github.com/eonpatapon/mpDris2/blob/master/src/mpDris2.in.py#L577

Yes, it works for example with mpd-mpris (incidentally it also returns 'genre' which doesn't seem to be returned by mpDris2 either)

I've added genre and albumArtist, but… I don't actually have mpd set up anywhere at the moment, so please test.

That works for me, thankyou.