eonpatapon / gnome-shell-extension-caffeine

Disable screensaver and auto suspend

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ALLOW BLANK SCREEN - option gnome 45

dom21121 opened this issue · comments


Great extension, but "ALLOW BLANK SCREEN" option doesn't work any more under gnome 45.

Thanks to consider.


Yeah, computer suspends if Caffeine is enabled with "allow blank screen" option. I'm using GNOME 45.1

I confirm this problem on Gnome 45 / Ubuntu 23.10. Thanks for reporting.

Same problem on Gnome 46 / Fedora 40

Hi, It was recently working fine again on fedora 39 after testing few weeks ago. There is time to time issues with Fedora that seams to not manage inhibitors flag correctly for some reasons (similar to #311 ). Fedora 40 is still in beta, so I suggest to wait for the official release.

If the flag are correctly set by the extension, I'm not sure we can do something about this.

On Fedora 39 I had the same problem, Stimulator worked and still works