eonpatapon / gnome-shell-extension-caffeine

Disable screensaver and auto suspend

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FYI: Are you sure to use "Gdk.SHIFT_MASK" in generalPage.js

osamuaoki opened this issue · comments

I have similar code and I found "Gdk.SHIFT_MASK" was undefined while debugging it under my environment of GNOME43.

In this code generalPage.js file uses this. I think desired constant is "Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK", instead.

You can test situation for your build environment using my test code under test-keys/* of https://github.com/osamuaoki/inputmethod-shortcuts

(I don't know if this issue is version dependent. I see similar code as yours every where. E.g., https://github.com/jqno/gnome-happy-appy-hotkey/)

Thanks for the tip :)

I was looking through the code, is this much validation required for the bindings? If they've managed to press the keys it's probably valid, but I also haven't played around with that part of GNOME much to be sure.

    isValidBinding(mask, keycode, keyval) {
        return !(mask === 0 || mask === Gdk.SHIFT_MASK && keycode !== 0 &&
                 ((keyval >= Gdk.KEY_a && keyval <= Gdk.KEY_z) ||
                     (keyval >= Gdk.KEY_A && keyval <= Gdk.KEY_Z) ||
                     (keyval >= Gdk.KEY_0 && keyval <= Gdk.KEY_9) ||
                     (keyval >= Gdk.KEY_kana_fullstop && keyval <= Gdk.KEY_semivoicedsound) ||
                     (keyval >= Gdk.KEY_Arabic_comma && keyval <= Gdk.KEY_Arabic_sukun) ||
                     (keyval >= Gdk.KEY_Serbian_dje && keyval <= Gdk.KEY_Cyrillic_HARDSIGN) ||
                     (keyval >= Gdk.KEY_Greek_ALPHAaccent && keyval <= Gdk.KEY_Greek_omega) ||
                     (keyval >= Gdk.KEY_hebrew_doublelowline && keyval <= Gdk.KEY_hebrew_taf) ||
                     (keyval >= Gdk.KEY_Thai_kokai && keyval <= Gdk.KEY_Thai_lekkao) ||
                     (keyval >= Gdk.KEY_Hangul_Kiyeog && keyval <= Gdk.KEY_Hangul_J_YeorinHieuh) ||
                     (keyval === Gdk.KEY_space && mask === 0) || this.keyvalIsForbidden(keyval))

YES. Users "xkb" setting may not be "us". These are safegurd for shortcut registration to prevent registering normal letter key "keyval". You don't want to make user register Shift-"A" etc.

The impact of the bug of using "Gdk.SHIFT_MASK" is minimal. Since it is undefined, this part of logic returns always "false". Registering "a" (without shift) as shortcut for caffeine is blocked but registering Shift-"A" is allowed. I think it is good idea to place safeguard.

If you read gnome-control-center code in C, they do this. I think everyone are fallowing. Since C doesn't care this is enum-type or not, code can skip type. But for gjs to pick up its value through GNOME introspection, we must specify enum name as "Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK".

In the GTK4 gdk, these modifier constants are defined as enums in /usr/include/gtk-4.0/gdk/gdkenums.h

(FYI: Somehow, gjs API document https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gdk40~4.0/ lacks these but GTK3 version gjs API document
has https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/gdk30~3.0/gdk.modifiertype#default-modifier_mask .)

Ah gotcha, I figured the shift mask was important but wasn't sure how it extended to other languages.

The impact of the bug of using "Gdk.SHIFT_MASK" is minimal. Since it is undefined, this part of logic returns always "false". Registering "a" (without shift) as shortcut for caffeine is blocked but registering Shift-"A" is allowed. I think it is good idea to place safeguard.

I'm not sure I follow? I did a quick test on my system, and raw values like "A" are blocked, and "SHIFT" + "A" is allowed. As that was what I expected to happen, I'm not sure I understand how the code is broken.

Either way, I can agree that the value is undefined, I'm just not sure how it impacts it, in order to test it :)


I'm not sure I follow? I did a quick test on my system, and raw values like "A" are blocked, and "SHIFT" + "A" is allowed. As that was what I expected to happen, I'm not sure I understand how the code is broken.

  • Desirable: raw "A"-key and "SHIFT" + "A"-key are blocked. (gnome-control-panel's keyboard shortcut dialog )
  • Undesirable: raw Only "A"-key is blocked. "SHIFT" + "A"-key is allowed. (This extension)

gnome-control-panel's keyboard shortcut dialog is reached from "Settings" -> "Keyboard" -> "Keyboard Shortcuts"

Ohhh that makes more sense, I thought "SHIFT" + "A" was supposed to be enabled, but that does make sense.

Thanks for the fix :)