eonpatapon / gnome-shell-extension-caffeine

Disable screensaver and auto suspend

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Localization not working (it_IT)

amivaleo opened this issue · comments



This extension doesn't load the right localization in my system (it_IT).
I found the right locale folder in the extension directory, but nothing is translated.


Unfortunately, lots of text have changed and we need to update translation. Maybe could you help us with Italian ?

#221 Should cover most of this, I think it just needs updating since the last changes?


Yes, I can help, I'd be glad to help.
So, do I start from scratches or from the file that @stuarthayhurst linked?

You could ask @albanobattistella what their plans are on that pull request, as that translation should be mostly complete.

#221 seems to have stalled, feel free to submit another PR, I'll close the other in favour of the new one when it's ready to merge